"Naomily Phenomenon" book
Skins Fansite
I just found out this text in the LilyandKatfans website.
"How started everything?" "Who had the idea to create Emily Fitch and Naomi Campbell?" "Did they think that Naomily was going to have many fans around the world?"… Surely, these questions went through your mind at some point. But, now, a person wants to find the answers to those questions.
Dr Ann-Marie Cook, has been one of those people who were surprised with this Naomily Phenomenon, and she has decided to look for the answers and write a book about it.
With the name "Naomily Phenomenon", Dr Ann-Marie Cook is working on this book, she wants to tell the story from the begining, so she is going to interview everyone connected with writing, directing, performing, producing and marketing the storyline, including Lily Loveless and Kathryn Prescott.
The intention of Dr Cook is to understand how Naomily have become something huge, something that in some way helped people in their lives and how popular Naomily have become around the world. She had the oportunity to see some unseen Naomily things, like outtakes, unseen scenes, like the famous hug scene or the extended version of the mexican party (she wants to put something about that in the book, but is difficult to have the permission from E4).
The book is going to be released in about 12 or 18 months, we are pretty sure that the wait it will worth it :)
At the moment you can ask some questions to Dr. Ann-Marie Cook. To know how visit the website above.
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Labels: book , entrevistas , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Kathryn Prescott , Lily Loveless , Skins