Gen 1 and Gen 2 about the US version
Skins Fansite
As you all already know the US version of Skins will not have a second season. Here is what our lovely actors from the last 2 UK seasons have to say about this remake. (from Bullett Magazine)Why do you think Skins U.S remake’s debut was so controversial?
I always felt Skins was a quite distinctly British show, and I think that was why it did really well to begin with. All we had on TV before Skins for teenage shows was just like American imports and it was important to have something British and it was very much about the British experience.
- HANNAH MURRAY (CASSIE, 1st Generation)
There’s a whole lot of age restrictions. I don’t like generalizing, because it’s a big old place, America. There’s that many more people living there. But I would say that it probably says more about an audience or an American audience as opposed to Skins as an idea, or a project. It’s understandable, you know? If you associate 20, 18, 19 still as kids, not old enough to drink, then you’re going to be surprised when you see them on TV with American accents doing exactly that. I don’t agree with the naïveté, it’s not like it doesn’t exist. You can’t tell me everyone in America doesn’t touch alcohol until the age of 21. You guys are getting crunk. Everybody’s getting totally crunk right now.
- JACK O’CONNELL (COOK, 2nd Generation)
I suppose it depends on where you are in America, but it’s certainly a more conservative society, which is why a program like Skins would cause controversy. There were a lot of parents that weren’t too keen on our show here [UK], but we don’t get up in arms as much as people do sometimes in America. The fact that the legal drinking age is 21 leads to a kind of—I suppose it’s the reason why they do it, it leads to a slightly longer innocence. Everything that goes on here [UK], goes on in America, it’s just a lot harder to get it shown on television without compromising some kind of integrity along the way. Culturally, America’s really a place that’s fascinated me—you can watch Terminator Salvation on television at 6 o’clock in the evening and there’s people blowing each other up with guns. I feel like America has the best and worst of everything.
- JOE DEMPSIE (CHRIS, 1st Generation)
I know a little bit about it and I’ve read about it, I haven’t seen it. I’m not avoiding it, I didn’t actually end up watching quite a lot of the episodes in our series either, and to go back and relive it in America today—it’s a bit too soon. I read some of the reactions of the press in the States, which is maybe something more drastic than the reactions we have here. It’s a tricky one, particularly having not seen the American version. I’m sure it’s quite similar to our version. I think in America people maybe get more involved in things whereas in England if you don’t like it, you don’t watch it. You don’t necessarily have to have such a large reaction to it—but I don’t know, it’s difficult to say exactly why the reaction was more severe for the Americans. It’s probably because advertising networks pay a lot more on MTV than advertisers over here. I’m sure it’s many different things.
- NICHOLAS HOULT (TONY, 1st Generation)

Labels: Brand New , Generation 1 , Generation 2 , SkinsUS
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Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX
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