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Main stories of SKINS characters in Skins - the Novel

Lol... i told tomorrow but i could´t keep it only to myself so here's the main bits of this novel that works like the "old" LOST WEEKS. (tomorrow i will translate to portuguese :D)

"Cook/Freddie get into a shagging contest, Cook shags more, but neither really win as a threesome with some girl doesn't go to plan and she wants them to go gay-doesn't happen sadly

Cook and Freddie are both still in love with Effy and trying to deny it. Seems Freddie was the one who chose Cook over Effy, I think he regrets that though. Cook still acting like an immature nutter and hasn't changed at all, except we know he is vulnerable over Effy still.

Effy is defo heading for some type of break down. She competed a bit with her mum over some older guy, her mum got him. This messed Effy up even more because she was feeling guilty over the lad thing and pining for Freddie a bit.

Thomas/Panda, are a couple and they apparently didn't sleep together in S3 and only sleep together near the end of the book. It never really explained the Cook/Panda stuff, but you get the impression she did it because she was horny and thought that was what she was supposed to do. She's ashamed about it and Thomas is still very cold with Cook. She tells her mum about Thomas and her mum accepts him. Thomas works all the time over the summer to support his mum and sisters.

Naomi/Emily were totally loved up and spent most of they're time shagging each other all over the place (and I mean most of their scenes together are shagging). They even had phone sex while Emily was in France They are definitely in love and Naomi is totally comfortable about her sexuality, which she hasn't fully labelled but did call herself a lesbian later in the book. And while her and Cook are friends and he still flirts with her, it was said numerous times she doesn't fancy him at all and he knows this, but likes having a girl as friend that he won't shag.
The only trouble for Naomily seems to be an unresolved issue left over about what they want to do after college, Uni etc.

Emily's mum is in denial and thinks the gayness is a phase and blames Naomi for it, Katie is still the golden child.

The twins have bonded a bit more and Katie is over the Naomi thing, infact gave her blessing and is at a truce with Naomi. She also made a sort of peace with Freddie. Katie actually visited Effy in Italy and while they're still on sort of bad terms, Katie now see's Effy is messed up and feels sorry for her. Katie herself shagged any guy that moved but has sort of realised that it's not helping her and she's happier now that she's made up with Emily.

JJ is still sweet and playing referree for Freddie/Cook, and he is also horny

It showed the seeds of the Thomas/Panda/JJ friendship when Thomas and JJ were competing to answer the most pub quiz questions."

All Credits to Skinsfan 

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