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Skins the Novel - "Review" by Marie Davis

Hey guys! From now on, Marie Davis will be our "reviewer" of the SKINS THE NOVEL!

This novel works like the old "Lost Weeks", and tell us what our skins characters have done in the summer, in the school holidays.

The novel is basically divided in four parts,(four weeks), that means that we will have 4 posts. Each week will be published separately, so you can expect much more very soon:)

Today we will have the first part of this journey.

Remember that you can buy the book here, or simply send us a cover for this book to enter in the contest that we are doing!

We want to thank Marie for this great idea, and for all the support that she gives us as a Skins fan, so FOLLOW @MarieeDavis and feel free to comment her work! :)


Skins – The novel Review

Marie Davis

Prologue – The prologue to the book basically sets the scene for the first chapter, which leads me on to...

August Week 1

Saturday 1 August, Effy – Venice

Effy and her mother have left Bristol and their problems (Cook and Freddie & Anthea and her affair) behind them to see the wonderful sights of Venice. Staying in a rented apartment which isn’t much to the taste of Effy, she takes off to see if she can find normality in the form of an internet cafe. Whilst out she comes across some Italian guys, pretty similar to Freddie, JJ and Cook who she instantly does not get along with and a few insults are shared! Coming to the rescue is a older guy, Aldo who approaches Effy to see if she’s ok, they start talking and then with a bit of English charm she does a small favour for the man in the form of letting him in his flat (with the use of a credit card). The pair shares a smile and then she’s back on the route to find normality.

Sunday 2 August, Naomi – Ritzy’s

Back in Bristol, Naomi and Cook are in what I can only presume as a nightclub. Cook’s doing what he does most certainly best, getting smashed and taking drugs and Naomi is there with him. Dancing and drinking, Cook tries to turn on the charm with Naomi but deep down knows better however he still tries. With Naomi’s mind obviously else where she tells him to shut it and with that Emily arrives to her delight. Cook full of friendly jibes, is left to his own devices and Emily and Naomi greet each other and head into the girls bathrooms to and I quote “Do something deviant”

Monday 3 August, Naomi – Her Bedroom

After the night before, Naomi and Emily are in her room and loved up as ever! The couple are getting on like a house on fire and well basically doing what couples do. Not wanting to waste a second without each other they kiss and touch a lot. Emily is going to France that afternoon and she wants to make sure that Naomi isn’t going to do anything stupid for example shag cook. Naomi assures Emily and they just lay holding hands.

Emily – Naomi’s Bedroom (Later)

After another snooze, Emily wakes up still in the bedroom of her girlfriend’s house. Waking before Naomi, Emily takes to minute to realise that she finally has the girl of her dreams and that she loves her back as much as Emily loves her. Emily wakes Naomi up and the girls have some fun before heading to get some food. With Emily leaving for France, the girls spend the morning/afternoon talking about different things but most of all Emily’s mother and how she is going to be a “pain in the arse” all holiday.

Naomi – At home (Evening)

With Emily gone, Naomi is alone and spending the night with her mother and Kieran in the attempt to try and get on without having Emily by her side. The thoughts of getting a summer job run through her mind in the effort to get on with things while her girlfriend is away. This results in an argument between Naomi and her mother as other issues such as wanting Naomi out of the way get brought in and they all go to bed with the mood left sour.

Tuesday 4 August, Pandora – At Home

Pandora is still blissfully in love with Thomas and all she can think about is having sex with him, however with Effy away for the summer and her mother totally against all things boys Pandora has to cope with the feelings she’s having all on her own. Pandora still regrets what happened with Cook very much and feels ashamed with herself, she has now become a woman and feels that it’s time to tell her mother about the feelings she is having. However this does not go to plan and once again Pandora is left feeling like the child her mother still thinks she is.

Thomas – On the way to meet Panda

Thomas as usual has all his priorities set and in perspective and is adamant about one thing, he will not have sex with Pandora until the time is right. Talking about how he values and loves Pandora he explains about how he does not want to just give her exactually what she wants but to wait until the moment is right and the event is special. As he meets Pandora, she is in floods of tears about the conversation she tried to have with her mother however this offends Thomas as he thinks mothers should not know about their children having sex. Pandora takes this the wrong way thinking that Thomas doesn’t want to have sex with her however he sets the record straight with her and all is well.

Wednesday 5 August, Effy – A cafe in Venice

With Effy’s mind on Aldo and trying to bump into him, she walks around trying to bump into him. Funny enough she does and her mind instantly turns to trying to have sex with him. On the other hand she learns that Aldo has a wife (soon to be ex) and children. She tells Aldo that she’s going to do some searching around the island which results in him accompanying her. All Effy can do is think about what she could do to him.

Thursday 6 August, Cook – A Bus Stop

Cook, Freddy and JJ back as the three musketeers are standing at the Bus Stop, Cook and Freddy smoking a spliff and JJ standing and watching as usual. Cook starts commotion as normal and the three run to take cover in Freddy’s shed where cook has a proposition!

Freddy – The shed

Sitting in the Shed, Cook proposes the game to Freddy, The game being to have sex with as many girls as possible. A whist cook talk about the game Freddy’s mind is on one thing, Effy, What was she doing right now? But on the other hand he loved her and she fucked him over so with that thought the game is on and JJ is the referee.

JJ – The kebab shop

Looking at things from an analytical side as always JJ thinks about the game and what it might actually mean to cook. Thinking about how Cook lost Effy to Freddy and how that appeared potentially like a game, JJ knows cook has invented this game as a way of getting back at Freddy and bring the score back to 1-1.

Effy – Venice by night

After searching around the island, Effy accompanies Aldo to a classical Music event in the Town. With her mind still on what she could do to Aldo all she can think about is kissing him however Aldo does not see her this way and they end the night with a subtle goodnight. Back at the apartment Anthea has befriended an old English woman so the three of them sit in the kitchen and drink Sambuca and chat. For the first time Effy thinks about Cook and Freddy and how she wished she had them with her.

Friday 7 August, Emily – France

The Fitch Family have arrived in France, Katie is straight away fighting for the attention of the boys and Emily is just wishing she was home to be with her Girl. Whilst sitting pining for Naomi, Emily gets chatting to a boy from the chalet next to theirs and they decide to hang out sometime. Emily’s mother witnesses this and instantly this leads to an argument about Emily’s sexuality once again to which she obviously tell them she’s still gay! She decides to head off to call Naomi in a more private place than the chalet and the girls do only what they can across the phone.

Katie – the beach late

Making the most of her time in France as she would back at home, Katie is having mindless sex and that is about it. On a ferry, on the beach, in another chalet there is no stopping her. However back at the Fitch chalet feelings take their toll on Katie as she thinks about Emily and how she is so in love. As a result Katie is left feeling bruised and trying not to cry.

Saturday 8 August, Emily – the chalet

With the rest of the Fitch Family out, Emily has the chalet to herself and time to think about Katie and what time she got in the night before however it isn’t long before her parents and little brother James are back and trying to force her to spend time with her sister on the other hand Emily has other plans for her day – spending it with the boy from the chalet next door Josh. The pair hang out and soon realise that they have more in common than they think, Josh is also gay and his parents have dragged him away to try and make him see sense. They spend the day on the beach talking and Katie comes into conversation, with the content of their chat Emily realises that her and Katie need to have a chat.

Effy – Venice

After a hard night of drinking with her mother and the old lady Florence, Effy wakes up on the bathroom floor and feeling rather ill. Sorting herself out she goes to the kitchen ready to leave the house for another day of exploring but when her mother says that she is spending the day with Aldo and Florence, Effy joins them. They go over to a little island called Lido where they go to a restaurant and Effy begins to drink again. Losing control over the wine she shows the others and herself up in the restaurant and they are removed. With her mother furious and embarrassed she takes Florence home leaving Effy and Aldo alone. Under the influence Effy makes the move she has been longing to make and for a second Aldo does not resist but then stops her and they leave to try and sober her up.

Expect Week 2 very soon! :)

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX