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Who´s Pandora?

Hi! I'm Pandora Moon. I'm 17 and super duper excited about writing my first internet blog.

MY MOTTO: (`'`'~-.._..*5[^^]!L£*.._..-~`'`')

I asked all my friends what to write, well, I asked Eff, because she is my best (and only) friend. She said I should describe the way I would kill a baby rabbit. I think she was joking. At least I hope so! You know, I really like Eff but sometimes she's just a bit scary! Instead I thought I’d tell you about my most favourite animal and why I love it so much.

I absolutely love Caterpillars. I think they are definitely the most interesting sort of animal, insect, whatever. As a child my favourite book was 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' I'm sure you've read it. It's absolutely fascinating. However, when the teacher used to read it to me at nursery I always used to cry when the Caterpillar became a Butterfly, which was odd because all the other children used to cheer. I just couldn't understand it. The poor Caterpillar didn't know that by eating all that food he was forcing himself to grow into a butterfly. What if he was just hungry, but didn't want wings and didn't want to fly. One day I got so scared that I'd become a Butterfly that I didn't eat any breakfast, but then my mum explained that children weren't like Caterpillars and the only thing that would happen if we ate lots is that we'd get bigger. So after that I ate all my porridge. I really like Caterpillars and I don't think it's fair and that they are forced to become different animals when they might be perfectly happy being what they already are. Everyone says that Butterflies are way prettier than Caterpillars but I disagree. Yes, Butterflies have pretty coloured wings, but Caterpillars also have really incredible, detailed patterns on their skin.

More about meeeee......

FAVOURITE BANDS: Hair bands because I always wear my hair in bunchies, it's totally my signature look. Although I do love making rubber band balls!

T.V SHOWS: I love Jeremy Kyle. I also love Trisha.

DREAM DATE: My mum says boys are bad and has banned me from having a boyfriend. Eff said mum's right and having a boyfriend is a waste of time. She said having a buddy is much more time and pleasure efficient. I'm not sure what she means but a buddy sounds like fun.

...www.pimpmysearch.com. It keeps me amused for hours!
And obviously www.youtube.com.
I love the Harry Potter Puppets. What's that mysterious ticking noise?
Oh no, I gotta go, mum's calling me (we're going to our pottery moulding class).

PANDA x x x x x x x

P.S. What's your favourite animal?

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX