Updated - First Car Magazine - Kat, Lily and Meg
Skins Fansite
I know these pics are in a really bad "shape" but for now its the best that we have. Someone bought the First car Magazine and took some pics to the photoshoot. We really hope to get some better pics soon... but for now...Enjoy!!!
Thanks to Milenka we have the interview that is in this magazine. Check it out:
Fast Car: What's a typical day on the Skins set like?
Lily: Long and tiring!Megan: Definitely. You're picked up at six (if you're lucky!) and get taken to the set where it's all go until around 10pm. It's a good laugh though, and everyone is great to work with. I try and make sure I have breakfast though, or by lunchtime, I'm starving!
Kathryn: Yeah, food is really important! 'Cos we get so hungry, if anyone on set has any sweets or chocolate, they have to hide it, or we end up nicking it all!
FC: Do you know anybody who acts like a Skins character in real life?
K: I think every teenager knows someone who reminds them of one of the characters. That's why so many people can identify with the series.
FC: How much of your character is in you?
M: Katie is completely man obsessed! I'm not like that in real life. I have completely different fashion sense and I'm not as much of a bitch as she is either!
L: I'm not really much like Naomi. Kathryn is more like Naomi than me.
K: I'm much more lairy than Emily in real life. She's just too much of a pushover.
FC: How closely do you think Skins reflects modern teenage life?
M: Because it's a comedy/drama, SKINS is like an exaggerated version of real teenage life. They're all realistic situations, but they've been concentrated onto a small group of friends. Nobody's life is really that dramatic all of the time - it really wouldn't be possible!
FC: Do you think Skins could be a bad influence on impressionable teenagers?
K: The show has a lot of drinking, drug taking, violence and sex, but we'd never advocate taking drugs. A lot of the bad press the show gets is from people referencing SKINS when describing bad teenage behaviour.
M: Yeah. There have also been a lot of clubs that have run SKINS party nights, but they just use the name to sell more tickets. The show has nothing to do with it. But if something goes wrong, the show gets the blame.
FC: What's it like doing sex scenes?
M: I had loads of sex scenes last year - they're so embarrassing! I know I look younger than I am so I felt weird as I thought I'd look really too young to be having sex. It's just as weird for the guy though I suppose. You just have to get on with it.
K: When Lily and I had our first lesbian screen kiss, it was just the same as kissing a guy you've not kissed before. But the scene where we have sex in the woods was definitely weird. We were in this forest, in our underwear and we're trying to act sexy and there's like all these middle aged blokes standing around watching you. It's been good though, as we've had loads of letters from people who have said that the storyline has helped them come to terms with their sexuality and gave them the confidence to come out to their friends and family.
L: Kat and I are good friends, so I wasn't that nervous. In fact, I think I'd rather so a sex scene with a girl than a boy. The worst thing is having to make sex faces when people are watching, that was pretty awkward!
FC: What's been your favourite scene?
K: My favourite scene has to be when Meg and I get in a massive fight at the end of the third series. We'd been living and working together 24/7 for the last six months and it was a great way to take our frustration out on each other. Being twins, we're used to having the occasional fight. That's normal right?
L: Anything that pushes you creatively is always a great experience.
FC: The show's writer are all quite young. Do you think this gives the show its realistic edge?
M: Definitely. The writers aren't 30-somethings trying to remember when they were teenagers; so their experiences and writing are more true to life and relevant to teenagers now.
FC: What's your favourite TV show?
L: Come Dine With Me. It's just the best show on TV.
M: I can't get enough of America's Next Top Model, I love it!
K: I'm really into American Dad. Loads of people like Family Guy, but I think American Dad is way better - much more sarcastic!
FC: Do you get recognized when you go out?
M: I sometimes get recognized in the pub that I work in, in London. People are surprised when they find out where they know me from, as most people think because you're on TV, you earn loads of money, but it's not the case. Also, when you're not filming, having a job can keep you sane. A lot of actors have other jobs too.
L: If I get noticed, I always get someone shouting out 'SKINS!' or, 'Is that the girl off the TV?'
K: Because we film the show there, we tend to get noticed a lot more when we're out in Bristol. Especially when the show is being aired on TV. People forget about you when you're not being beamed into their homes.
FC: Are you all friends in real life?
L: Yeah, Kat and I are best friends. We'd actually met before SKINS, back at a summer workshop at the Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in Wood Green.
M: When we're filming we all live together in a big apartment block in Bristol. It's a laugh, but we don't get much time to hang out or go partying, as we're just so busy with the show. When we do go out, it's not as extreme as a SKINS night out though. Ha!
FC: You're all leaving to drive with BSM, how's it going?
M: It's going great! Kathryn and I started learning about a year ago, when we started filming the third series of SKINS, but it wasn't possible to judge learning to drive with our filming. That's why we've started taking lessons again, with BSM.
K: Yeah, when I started again, my new instructor told me I had loads of bad habits, but he's straightened them out now. I've just passed my mock test, (my sixth attempt...) so hopefully I'm ready for my real test. I should've done it by now, as it was originally booked for January, but because of the snow it's been moved to March.
L: The lessons are great. I had lessons before, when we were shooting series three, but you can't learn to drive when filming, as the days are just too long.
FC: Who is the best driver?
L: I'm an amazing driver! Ha!
M: Well, we'll just have to see who passes their test first, won't we!
K: My test is in a few weeks, so hopefully that'll be me!
FC: Any bad habits?
K: I used to have a habit of staring at stuff when I was driving. It was really quite dangerous as I would get transfixed on the car coming in the opposite direction and would be stuck like a rabbit in the headlights. The problem is when you stare at something like that, you naturally tend to drive towards it. That was something my driving instructor was definitely keen to sort out!
FC: What makes you more nervous, taking your driving test or acting?
L: Acting probably, as there is always a whole room of people watching you. Then it's going on TV where millions of people will see you. When you take your test, there's only you and the examiner. I'll still be nervous though, for sure.
M: I reckon my driving test. I love acting, and when I'm on set I'm doing what I love to do. I don't really want to take my driving test, so I'm pretty nervous.
FC: What car do you want when you pass your test?
K: I'd like a Fiat 500, like the one I've been learning in. It's great and feels just like driving a dodgem!
L: If I could afford it, I'd get a new VW Golf. My Dad's just got one and it's lovely. Either that or a Porsche. Ha!
M: I'd be more than happy with a Fiat 500 too. It's a really cool little car!
FC: What will you have blaring out of your car stereo?
K: Probably Daft Punk. They rock! Although I saw Paloma Faith on the tube last week and she's great too.
L: I'm really into Florence and the Machine. I even saw her cycling around London the other day!
M: Nobody likes my music. I like cheesy 80s/90s pop. People like Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton. And since we're name-dropping; I met Peter Andre the other week. I turned into this total loser fan and was all star struck - it's so embarrassing looking back.
FC: With a cast change for the next series, where will we see you next?
L: They'll have to wait and see!
M: If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Ha!
K: I've been offered a part in some cheesy American horror movie, which sounds like it could be fun. So maybe you'll see me at the cinema?

Labels: entrevistas , first car magazine , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Kathryn Prescott , Lily Loveless , magazine , Megan Prescott , photoshoot , Skins
About SkinsFansite
Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX
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