Skins Review 4x03 - Cook

So we are back at Skins Reviews, with Cook’s episode this time.
I’m really surprised. I’m surprised with this episode.
Clearly, skins is focusing each episode on each character, and don’t gives us much of the others, but, actually, I think they are doing a good job.
Anyway, I was kind of ‘oh no, Cook is gonna be the most boring episode ever, I’m not that excited waiting for this one’. And I wasn’t, I was thinking ‘what a boring time, doing a Cook review yet again’.. But, seriously, it was actually an enjoyable time, while I was watching the third episode from Skins! I liked it! It exceeded my expectations.
But, I’m not going to say it was the best episode, I still love more Emily's episode.
Against everyone, who’s there saying that was the best episode, only because it exceeded their expectations, and make them like Cook a bit more, or revealed his good side, making it easy to us to understand him , it does not make this the best episode, or Cooke a less stupid person.
It was only a surprise. Which is good! And it turned the episode very good, and enjoyable to watch.
Although, I didn’t changed my opinion on Cook, and I do not fancy Cook with Effy; I still want Freffy to be together, but, I’m seriously starting to doubt of it x(
So the episode started with Cook, being escorted through prison, to talk to Duncan. Apparently, he’s going to be is lawyer.
I think he was a fucking great character! But, they are always like that in skins, they don’t give a fuck, and honestly, there couldn’t be better to interact with Cook.
Really, Jack is a brilliant actor, and he proved so in this episode. I laugh a lot with some of his lines, some of his expressions, and definitely I wanted to cry in some scenes.
So, Shanky .The boy who Cook beat in the party, after he saw Freddie and Effy together. I actually, never thought they n were make story with it, but seems like Cook is in jail because of it.
So, Duncan is an ass, he does not care.IMAO, love it:
Possible moron. -> Possible moron.
Cook says he does not know Shanky, and proclaims to be provoked when he beat him. Then again, Duncan asks him to declare himself guilty, and do some community services. Ahah, I love when we says is not guilty, even when he was saw by 83 witnesses. LOL.
Anyway, he proclaims to be not guilty in front of the judge, and obviously Duncan, embarrassed, give up from the case. He is a lost case, we all know that.

IMAO, what’s so fucking wrong with that police officer?! Jesus, is he gay, or what?!
Anyway, cook has to be at home between 7 pm to 7 am, in Ruth Byatt house’s, to be more specific. I mean, that the first time we actually see, or hear about cook’s mom (and obviously, understand why), but I still don’t get it. If she is a rich, successful lady, why does cook lives in misery, homeless? I mean, it’s her duty to prizes for his son life! I felt sorry for him, soon as I saw her mother.

Ok, I never founded Cook attractive, and neither do I right now, and her mother? Seriously, I mean, are you serious?! We’ve just met her, and she is already drunk.. while she is driving?!
Big house, although.
You’ve got love this scene, IMAO, nipple thing! Ahah. Oh, and notice the detail: Ace of spade, again ;)
And we’ve got pizza, to celebrate! =P
There’s Cook’s stuff all around the bedroom, I loved the 3 musketeers picture, just like in Freddie’s shed; the football team from school, when cook was young, already looking like a trouble kid =P, and the sadness on his eyes, when he realizes he needs Freddie, and misses Effy. Probably some guilty too, with the poster of Sophia, around her cell phone.
‘It wasn’t me.’
We are barely in the beginning of the episode, and we already know that his mom, is bitch.
So, she is shagging the guy who’s interviewing her, and Cook is her biggest creation. Hum, whatever. I actually, don’t dislike her :)
PS: who fuck does have a poster of her own tits on the dinner room??!! Jesus. -.-‘
The tits scene was really awkward. No comments.
Yet again, I’m impressed with Paddy/Cook. They work so nice together.
It’s just Cook being Cook, his brother asks him if he may go to prison, and then tells him to ask for forgiveness. But, as you are not a pussy, you should never say sorry, you should never play their game, apart from the Rock Band, of course. That one you can play xP
Emotional and lovely scene, for me *.*
Oh, Cook lefts Paddy in school! It’s sooo fucking funny. He is trying to be all protective around him, asking who is messing with him, and Paddy is so cute. It’s actually sweet when his little brother doesn’t want to leave him <3

How, will he ever looking anything but gorgeous? Jesus, he makes me sigh.
Poor JJ. Look at his face?! Don’t know who is the other guy, but whatever, they seem to be really happy cheating and winning to Freddie.
Yeah, the all Panda thing is like on standby, so is Naomily. And we don’t know much of it in this episode, actually. Anyway, besides the fact I was totally jealous with Freddie calling Andrea the hottest of the hottest?! What about Effy? Or Naomi? Even Emily? I don’t think Andrea was that hot… Jesus.
Oh, JJ, JJ.. you rock. I could quote his phrase, but I think we all get the point: he likes to think about Andrea, at night, when he is comfortably about to sleep. IMAO. I love JJ.
I love JJ’s speech. It’s so freakin cute! Love is an illusion! Look you all, how happy he is besides the fact he never had a girlfriend! Of course, you’ve got give some credits to sex and all of this stuffs, but you should not suffer, cause, love is just an illusion.
And Freddie, at the end, was freakin awesome too! Ahah, amazing scene.

Effy. Sexy goodness, very unique Effy.
Did I ever mention how much I love her? Yeah? Whatever. I love her!
So does Cook, when he’s starring her. When he is starring Freddie and Effy together, kissing .. *.* They look so fucking amazing together.. I don’t know who’s luckier. Omg, I wish it was like that for ever, I wish we get more of them, like themselves together, and not just the perspective of someone. I’m really looking for to it, and I hope people respect and enjoy more Freffy, I wish people love Freddie for good.
So, Cook is pretending that everything is ok, and act like a dumbass. We can see the tension in the room. No one is talking to him. Everyone is doing their thing. Emily and Naomi are on a corn, Emily working very focused, and Naomi looking very unhappy; Panda and JJ are together, apparently starring some book; Freddie and Effy are enjoying their sweet love. Everyone seems so… away. They don’t look like a gang. Yet again, NO KATIE! I’m really starting to get annoyed.
Not the fucking ridiculous director again! They have already expelled Thomas, and now Cook??!
‘- Jonathan can kiss my ass. Unless he is tired from licking yours.’
Go Cook! :P Ahah, sometimes, I can really love him!
I like the way Freddie is concerned with Cook when the monster security comes to get him, but cook is rude, and tell him to get to fuck.
IMAO, love it too. =P
Coincidence, Sophia’s picture is right there.
Naomi and Cook time.
I’ve always manifested my opinion about them, not as romantic couple, but they actually work out interacting.
I just love it. I see Naomi felling extremely unhappy and guilty. She seems so dark now… Why can she stop thinking about Sophia?! So she tell Cook she had an affair with her, and tell him that they caused her death, by giving her drugs. Yet again, Cook refuses the guilty felling, and tells her he gave her nothing.
But Cook will always be Cook, and he always finds a way to muffle you, and get over it.
While Naomi is expressing her bad feelings, he is making funny of her, telling that he only came here to see if she want to shag him. IMAO.
Like always, he walks away when there’s serious issues on the table.

‘-Deal with it.
Blow me!’
Back to Duncan!
Well, now Cook is right, he still his case, it’s actually a matter of opinion J
IMAO. Yeah, get ready of that mustache and you will fuck Angelina Jolie. Cook rock my world sometimes.
LOl, I lovee this scene, so hard!
So, Cook is ‘guilty as fuck’, but, according to him, her mother is rich, we can do anything, nothing is ever lost. Duncan should be around there, telling the judges that stuffs are happening in Cook’s life, but instead of it, he’s smoking some pot. Yeah, yeah, nice.
I like when Cook starts to open himself. No one cares, no one listen to him anymore, and his is totally fucked up, why? People. People fuck him.
It’s actually true. People can fuck you up , and still you can’t do anything to back up from it. It’s an excuse. But I’m sorry Cook, it doesn’t work for me at all. We all have problems, it doesn’ t mean we have to fuck everything that surrounds us, or send a kid to the hospital.
Anyway, I thought cook hated his mom, but he gets all protective again about her. Don’t understand.
You’re a shit, aren’t ya?
You’re a fucking shit.
Cook went to her mother’s work. A bit of dumb place, I thought.. :S
Well, he asks her about his dad, and she tells him that he is a jerk, beside good in bed, and entertaining, he is nothing but a twat. And it’s true, both of them agree.
Ok, at this point, we never knew what was to be forgiven on Cook, and why she expelled him from home. So he sold her wedding ring to buy dope. IMAO.
Better than that, gotta be her ‘All My Cocks’ painting. Yet again, who the fuck in life, would think about something like that?! That woman is totally crazy. Jesus, no wonder why Cook doesn’t want to be around her, even with the fact she is rich -.-‘
The worst part? Freddie is on it. Yeah, couldn’t believe in it. I got shocked! My freaking god. Why?! Is it to make them even? I mean, Cook shagged his sister, and he shagged his mom? Jesus.
I don’t really know if he ruined her work on purpose, but, his mother freaked out, and almost cut his head off… Jesus. What a fierce woman!
Puke… Again! Actually, that’s the first time in Season 4.. they are decreasing the puking scenes! Which is god, god :)
I understand he fells rather shit right now, her mother is a whore, his best friend fucked her, and he had just been expelled from school. Oh yeah, and he is about to go to jail. I forgot the little detail. Shit happens Cook.
So, I was actually surprised when he went to Shanky’s house. Did he try to apologize? Thought he never apologizes. IMAO. Obviously, he is not gonna forgive you. Just look to what you did to him? Not a good idea. Anyway, we know Cook, and that was a big step to redemption :)
You gotta be honest, besides everything, he went there, and he is concerned!
And his mother is high, of course. I though Cook was gonna beat Freddie. He looked like the devil walking across the earth! Men…
Ruth is a total bitch. And I feel sorry for Cook. She doesn’t even care for Paddy!

That’s what you call a proper party? IMAO, after a ridiculous scene, ruth blacks out, and it’s time for Freddie and Cook chat.
That was one of the most brilliant scenes ever on this episode, for me one of the bests, I loved Luke here, ok, Jack is a way better actor, but he does have more experience! It’s Luke starting ok? Anyway, I ship Freddie/Cook friendship… and this scene, was honest, was clear, was like the fresh air they needed to put everything strait. I think.

Honestly, 15th birthday party? JESUS.
Why have the writers done that? It was just a blow job. God, I can’t imagine that. It’s so awkward … anyway, I thought it pretty funny thanks to Jack. Ahah.
And it’s also cute, when Freddie tells cook that he and JJ loves him. They love him, and he needs to stop acting like that.
If you take a deep look inside Cooks history, Freddie always gives him good advices, and he is always there to help him. So Cook did it. He stopped the fuck he was doing and he followed Freddie’s advice. In my opinion, it shows how much he loves him and he needs him.
Ok, that shocked me. Effy’s naked pictures in Cook’s cell phone? Hum, why are they doing this?* they are increasing their relationship, when it’s suppose to be over! Not ship them anymore. And what about him crying? No, no way. It makes us feel bad about Cook, when it’s suppose, once again, to see him getting through it!

They drive all day I guess, even paddy is driving! They just laugh, they shoult, they smash the car, they talk rubbish and Cook even lets Paddy smoke. WTF??!! I was totally shocked here. He’s only like what? Seven? Gosh, I would never incentive my little sister to smoke, and give her the cigarette?! Totally out of the question. What were you thinking of?!
Yeah, he fucking loves him, and I believe him, it’s actually a lovely relationship, but, yet again ‘It’s you and me, it’s always gonna be you and me’? How many times have we heard that, yoo different persons? It already sounds FAKE.
Paddy is getting locked on I think, even cook stars him, like wtf, when he’s yellowing about fucking mom, and fucking the world. Look at what you’ve done Cook? A little Cookie, to continue your legacy? Hum, not good.

NAOMILY! For Christ sake, finally! IMAO, Naomi looks like a zombie, out of the bed, sleeping on the sofa of her own house, while Emily is quietly sleeping, on bed. Hum, we can see that obviously she went back to home, but things are not good. They seem already married, you know, when the wife, puts the husband to sleep on the sofa? They fight, and she wins? Imao, Naomi gotta really love Emily, I mean, cause if she didn’t, she wouldn’t probably accept this, she would just run Emily out, cuz, in the end of it, it’s Naomi’s house. Yah..
Cook calls Naomi, and brings his brother to sleep at her house.
Fancy another chat between this two. Lovely scene actually. I was scared of the kiss, bbut I realized that it was an innocent kiss. They are really good friends, and they understand each other. Naomi is felling rather shit, she can’t stop felling about Sophia, and guilty about Emily. I hosnetly think it was a ‘let’s make it up better’ kiss, I mean, friendly. A friend demonstration of love. It’s Naomi/Cook relation, they work like that.
Cook: Fuck's sake! I'm never going to get to bone you, am I?
Naomi: No. I love someone.
Cook: You and me both, girl. You and me both.
Duncan did actually get ready of His mustache! Ahah.
A hard scene I think. The best one. Jack really exceeded himself here. I gotta give him congrats. It’s lovely, very emotional.
I think he actually cares for Cook. He knows that he’s going to jail, but I knew he won’t let it go.
When we see Cook crying here, telling his own story, who people fuck him up, and do not care for a second … I mean, I know he loves Freddie, but.. He stole Effy, and fucked Panda, just because he could; he was a shitting little prick just because he could. He wanted to hurt and fuck everyone around him, just because he could. And knows that! He is regretted, but, it does not make him a better person because of it!
He loves Effy now. When you play with fire, there’s always the risk of getting burned. She loves Freddie and he can’t stand it now. Everybody pisses on you, but you also piss in everybody.
Cook. He kicked the fucking head of the fucking boy, and he enjoyed it. No one cares. No one cares about him, either his mom or dad.
I feel sorry for him, I wanted to cry. But, Duncan is right, you don’t give a damn either. Don’t expect people to care when you push them away, and fuck them to.
I really felt all shaking inside about him confessing to give Sophia drugs, just by himself… He took all the blames to himself, and released Naomi of it… it was so…
At the trial, they all 3 arrive, and we see Cookie happy about it. He seems a different person, I don’t know. Could it be? Well, anyway, we’ll be here, waiting, to see it. :)
It’s soo sad when Paddy arrives, running ahead to Cook, asking to let him go.
Freddie go strait to him, and comforts him, as Effy and JJ look worried and extremely sad. I would be too.
Cook is brave, at least here. He confesses himself guilty. Guilty for killing the girl, by giving her drugs, and guilty for smashing the boy.
His mother does not want him anymore, he’s guilty, and arrested, he’s totally unhappy and misery … Every time I look at her face, I want to cry :( I do.
I felt rather shit when we is escorted out by the cop
s, and Paddy’s is freaking out.. Cook gives Effy the look, and she gives it back. And that’s it.
Ok, in summary, about the last part… I think it’s suppose to mean ‘watch out for my brother! It’s done, I fell good know’, and she replies back as ‘I will, it all will be ok now. It’s the only thing that make sense. She loves Freddie and they are obviously ok, so she stills Cook friend’s, and so does him. It’s a good thing actually. I mean, he lost everything, but not his brother, and not his friends.
I actually liked a lot the episode, it showed us a different side of Cook, but it didn’t changed my mind, Yeah, I wish he had a normal family, I wish he had a good mom and dad. But, I think he will be fine.. Soon he will be back, being the Cook we all hate! :)
About their friendship, I really hope they sorted it out, and stay friends.. Cook really needs Freddie around him, he is his own support! And JJ is the cute guy that always misses in your life!
Well, not much to say then … Just waiting anxiously for the next one, that should be for sure, the best episode! :)
See you next time!
4x04 – Katie

Labels: 4x03 cook , eff reviews , entrevistas , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Jack O´Connell , Kathryn Prescott , Reviews , Skins , skins season 4