New Template of SkinsFansite
Skins Fansite
Hello guys!!!Life is full of changes and so are we! As you can see we changed our face (one more time) and our site is a little bit different now!
Well, this is why during the weekend we weren't so much "available" as we use to!Lool!
Let me explain a little better our "organization"!
We have two menus now! One bellow the header and one above the posts!
The one bellow the header works like the main menu, where we have our gallery and other stuff like reviews, the novel and fanfics! You can also know more about us in there and very soon we will also put the contacts menu there.
The menu above the posts works like an archive where you can find all the stuff related to Season 4 and to the rest of the series!
We are trying to organize every tags and trying to fit everything in their places now, so don't be angry if something is not ok! :)
Another thing... as you can imagine we have like 1000 posts so it´s impossible to change the font color of all of them, so the posts before this one will remain with the yellow font color!
About the big blue box above this post... well, we think that there are things more important than the others, so every important news will be published there too, so that you can enter in the site and click immediately there!
We have one or two new things, like the votes in the end of the posts, where you can vote if you like or not the article that you read! Lots of yays, i expect !
We are still working on the template, trying to find the best stuff to put in here, so that´s why we didn't put available yet (i know i know, we suck!!!) the episodes with English subtitles to download or watch online!
There´s still some stuff of the season 4 that we need to put in the right place so we hope that next week the site will be working properly!
Well, we hope this is a good change... feel free to give any suggestions, we will appreciate!
SkinsFansite Team

Labels: Skins , skinsfansite