Skins Site have a new layout
Skins Fansite
Remember we said here that Skins site would be redesign before new stuff arrive?
So, now, you can check the changes that E4 done to it.
Just click in the pic.
Lembram-se de termos referido aqui que a E4 faria mudanças ao site de Skins antes de a série estrear?
Ok, já podem ver o novo layout do site oficial. Para isso basta clicarem na foto acima.

Labels: Notícias , site oficial , Skins
About SkinsFansite
Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX
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