Skins Fire - Clips

Here some clips of Skins Fire. Effy´s story it´s coming...1st July on E4.
Jun,29,2013 | View article

Kaya interview - About Skins 7

Effy Stonem, fragile tearaway-cum-femme fatale with a history of depression, 2007-10 Why is y
Jun,25,2013 | View article

Skins 7 G3 behind the scenes - photo shoot with Kat and Lily

Here is the behind the scenes video of the G3 photoshoot with Kat and Lily.
Jun,21,2013 | View article

Skins Q&A with Kat and Lily

  Skins Q&A with Kat and Lily . #AskKatAndLily was trended wordwide ,so don´t miss thi
Jun,21,2013 | View article
  • Skins Season 6

  • Skins 6x03 Alex Download

    Here is the download links for the 3th episode of skins series 6, Skins.S06E03.720p.HDTV.x264-BiARapidshare Turbobit http://link

    Feb,07,2012 | View article

  • Skins 6x02 Rich Download / Watch Online

    Here is the download links for the second episode of Skins series 6. HD Rapidshare Turbobit DepsoitFiles

    Jan,31,2012 | View article

  • Skins 6x03 Alex - Preview

    Check below the new promo video of the 6x03 of Skins .

    Jan,31,2012 | View article

  • Skins Season 5

  • Skins 5 in New Zealand - New promo pics

    A long time hum??? Well, here are some new promo pics that we´ve never seen before. They´re part of the promotion to Skins in New Zealand.

    May,15,2011 | View article

  • Jamie Brittain confirms exit

    According to digital Spy and Jamie Brittain´s twitter, Jamie is leaving the production of Skins. "Jamie Brittain has confirmed that he has decided to stop working on the television show Skins. Brit

    Apr,10,2011 | View article

  • Skins cast in FIASCO magazine - March

    You can see our lovely cast of Skins in the this month edition of FIASCO magazine.

    Mar,29,2011 | View article

  • Generation 1

  • Gen 1 and Gen 2 about the US version

    As you all already know the US version of Skins will not have a second season. Here is what our lovely actors from the last 2 UK seasons have to say about this remake. (from Bullett Magazine) Why

    Jun,29,2011 | View article

  • Missing Mitch? He´s featuring TROIX magazine

    TROIX mafazine is featuring MITCH HEWER on the cover of BAD TO THE BONE June issue. "Known for his controversial role as MAXXIE, the gay teen character in the UK hit series "SKINS," Mitch not only g

    Jun,29,2011 | View article

  • Vote for Nicholas Hoult - NewNowNext awards

    Nicholas Hoult has been nominated for the Logo Channel’s NewNowNext Awards under the category, Brink of Fame: Actor. Now in its fourth year, this influential awards show will not look at the year tha

    Feb,23,2011 | View article

  • Interviews/Shoots

  • Star of Skins interview - Dakota

     Another interview to Dakota . Interview by welovebrighton. The Skins tour is hitting the pier with Beardyman in Brighton to publicise the show &

    Jan,28,2011 | View article

  • Demon FM interviews Sean Teale

    Here is an interview by Demon FM to Sean Teale... He talks about his role in Skins, how excited he his about the series and about his relationship with Mini. Listen to the full thing by clicking he

    Jan,28,2011 | View article

  • Sean Teale talks to 'The Hangover'

    Sean Teale speak to Hangover hosts Rob Wills & Nicola Fletcher to discuss skins, love and life. Mr.E.Productions was there to record the start of a radio legacy.

    Jan,27,2011 | View article

  • Skins Actors News

  • Vote for Nicholas Hoult - NewNowNext awards

    Nicholas Hoult has been nominated for the Logo Channel’s NewNowNext Awards under the category, Brink of Fame: Actor. Now in its fourth year, this influential awards show will not look at the year tha

    Feb,23,2011 | View article

  • kathryn Prescott about Lethal

     Here is a mini interview with Kathyrn Prescot in the behind the scenes in Lethal. "Behind the scenes at British film 'Lethal' we caught up with 'skins' star Kathryn Prescott." Source

    Jan,26,2011 | View article

  • PIcs added - Kaya, Lily and Meg on vacations

    Kaya was in vacations with Meg and Lily ... and here is the result! :) how we miss all the girls! About Kaya... well, she said some things in twitter about Skins US some days ago... it happens tha

    Jan,25,2011 | View article

  • Skins Movie

  • Kaya Scodelario interview-About Skins The Movie

    Here is an interview with Kaya for the Digital Spy, where she talks about the Skins Movie.Watch the video bellow. Source

    Nov,09,2011 | View article

  • Skins the Movie latest news

    Hey guys... it seems that finally we will have some news about the movie of Skins from now on. We receveid an email of Uk Acting Academy saying this: "Skins the Movie update will follow - with hopes

    Jun,14,2011 | View article

  • Skins Movie - early 2011

    Here are some informations about the Skins Movie. Yesterday we published the possibility of kaya scodelario to be part of the cast...well, KayascodelarioWeb published this in the website yesterday: "

    Sep,17,2010 | View article

The 2009 Visibility Awards

The has just gave an award to our favourite lesbian couple : Best Scripted TV series with Lesbian/Bi characters (international).

O site acabou de atríbuir um prémio ao nosso casal lésbico favorito : O melhor guião de uma série de Tv com personagens lésbicas/bi (internacional).


Read the article bellow:

StuntDouble tells us why you should love Skins (if you don't already):

Stateside lesbians let out a whoop of joy when BBC America announced that it would air the third season of the award-winning drama Skins. (You have no idea how hard it is to watch pirated versions of Skins online; someone is always yanking down the good parts.)

Lily Loveless and Kathryn Prescott's portrayal of couple Naomi and Emily — two teenagers just trying to figure out life and sexuality in Bristol, South West England — is one of the most authentic lesbian love stories ever to air on TV. And unlike American networks that balk at any physical contact between queer characters, BBC allows Naomily explore that aspect of their relationship as openly as straight couples.

BBC America admittedly edited Emily and Naomi's sex scene (down by the lake), but they explained that they were forced to do the same for a scene between two straight characters in an earlier episode. (They've also done it with Torchwood.)

Even better than the happy ending writer's gave Naomily in season three is the news that they will continue their young lesbian love in the coming season. founder Sarah Warn agrees, "Although Verbotene Liebe deserves strong consideration in this category, Skins wins not only because of its poignant, authentic, and positive depiction of a lesbian relationship between teenagers Naomi and Emily, but because of the large international audience it attracted specifically because of this relationship. When a skittish Naomi can't deal with her feelings for Emily, Emily pleads with her, 'Be brave, and want me back.' She did — and so did we."

In even more (potentially) good news, MTV is planning to adapt an American version of Skins. Let's hope they get it right!
Thanks to @iamNoNo


Leiam o artigo em baixo:

Stuntdouble diz-nos porque deverão vocês adorar Skins(se já não adorarem):

As lésbicas de Stateside soltaram um grito de alegria quando a BBC America anuncion que Skins teria uma terceira temporada. (não fazem ideia o quanto custa assistir á série online, alguém corta sempre com isso)

Lily Loveless e Kathryn Prescott retratam o casal Naomi e Emily - duas adolescentes a tentar descobrir a vida e a sua sexualidade em Bristol, South West, InglaterrA - é umas das mais autênticas histórias de amor lésbico de sempre da TV. E, ao contrário das redes americanas que recusam mostrar qualquer contacto fisico entre este tipo de personagens, a BBC permitiu que Naomilu explorasse o seu relacionamento de forma tão aberta como os casais hetero.

A BBC no entanto reconhece que editou a cena de sexo de Naomi e Emily ( no lago), exlicando que foram forçados a fazê-lo, não por ser um casal gay, mas porque anteriormente fizeram o mesmo com um casal hetero no episódio anterior.

O melhor de tudo é que o escritor de Skins deu um happy ending a Naomily na terceira temporada e assim se espera que continue na 4ª Temporada.

O fundador de concorda: embora Verbotene Liebe seja muito forte nesta categoria, Skins acaba por ganhar não só pela representação sem pudor, autêntica e positiva de uma relação lésbica entre adolescentes, mas também por causa do público internacional que esta relação atraiu.
Uma vez quando Naomi não conseguia lidar com os seus sentimentos por Emily, emily diz-lhe:
Quando uma Naomi skittish não pode lidar com seus sentimentos por Emily, Emily implora a ela: 'Be brave, and want me back.' She did — and so did we." (tradução:"Sê corajosa e quer-me também." Ela o fez- e nós também "

A MTV está a planear adaptar uma versão americana de Skins. Vamos esperar que acertem no ponto!

Thanks to @iamNoNo

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX