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Freya Mavor interview on Vogue

Here is an interview with Freya Mavor on vogue.co.uk .

PRINGLE OF SCOTLAND has enlisted Skins actress Freya Mavor for its spring/summer 2011 campaign, as part of its promise to champion burgeoning Scottish talent. Mavor, who follows in the illustrious footsteps of Tilda Swinton as the label's face, was shot by legendary photographer Walter Pfeiffer for the images - his first campaign for a fashion label. We caught up with her to talk about the experience.
How were you chosen by Pringle, did you audition or did they come to you direct?
I was lucky enough to get a call from my agency asking if it was something I would be interested in doing. They needed a Scottish actress for the campaign; I was thrilled they asked me as I only recently landed my first acting job in Skins so it came as a complete shock. Of course I said yes, it's an amazing opportunity I wouldn't want to pass up.
How did it feel to be chosen for such a big campaign?
It felt incredible; I just started laughing when I got off the phone. It seemed so unreal.
What did you think of Pringle before you worked with them?
Well my mum seems to have a fetish for finding random Pringle pieces. She's often brought me back items of clothing she "just couldn't resist" buying, bizarre woolen skirts and even once a pair of cashmere pants. So I've always linked Pringle to my mum, when I went off to Switzerland to do the shoot she asked me to steal some jumpers to bring back for her. However, although tempted, I thought it might be slightly unprofessional to head back with a bag full of stolen goods.
Did you enjoy the shoot, had you modelled before?
The shoot was great, and it was made even better by the fact we were in this amazing village in the Swiss mountains. The location truly was stunning. I haven't done modelling before, but we've done a few promotional photo shoots with Skins. However this was very different from those shoots.
How was working with Walter Pfeiffer?
He was very enthusiastic and chirpy throughout the whole day, so that kept me smiling. I wasn't very familiar with his work before this, but I made sure to do my research beforehand. It was almost scary when I realised how renowned he was, but that simply made me all the more excited to work with him.
What did you think of the clothes you wore at the shoot? Did you have a favourite piece?
Pringle do have some great outfits, they were great fun to wear. The shoes were fabulous; I wish I could walk properly in them though. I think my favorite outfit was a pair of white, floaty high-waisted trousers with a blue and white checkered chemise on top and a black collar. I felt like I should be wearing a huge white sun hat and lounging around drinking cosmopolitans and speaking in French. It oozed chic.
Do you have plans to do any more modelling?
I would have to say that modeling has never been an ambition of mine; it was something that just came out of the blue and seemed like a great opportunity! Although I loved the experience, and I love photo shoots as they always seem to be such a laugh, I much prefer acting. That's where my passion lies, and it's one of things I love doing most. If other great opportunities arise then of course I'd consider doing them, but for now I'm very happy where I am starting out an acting career with Skins (which I absolutely love), and shooting with Pringle was undoubtedly a great experience!

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