"Dive" and Jack O´connell
Skins Fansite
Jack stars alongside Aisling Loftus in two-part drama Dive, a tale of love, youth and dreams, on BBC2. You can watch the first part of "Dive" bellow.
I couldnt find the second part of Dive online yet, but here is a link to download it...
Watch the trailer in the end of this page...
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You can also read an interview with Jack just bellow the video.
How would you describe the relationship between your characters, Robert and Lindsey?
Jack O’Connell: What Lindsey finds attractive about Robert is the rebellious streak, which for me was quite easy to play with my current CV!
Aisling Loftus: They take each other to different places. Initially Robert takes Lindsey to this really exciting, mindless place and it’s the opposite of what she knows. Then Robert looks to Lindsey to guide him and she does, she’s got this real maturity. Ultimately they really love each other and I think that comes through.
Was it tough to build that closeness on screen?
Jack O’Connell: We had a good relationship off camera before we started filming because we’d been to the same drama workshop, so it wasn’t difficult to find it on camera.
Aisling Loftus: It really worked with the way writer Dominic Savage works — he likes to have it organic, for it to be truthful.
Aisling, you play an Olympic diving hopeful, are you sporty at all?
Aisling Loftus: No not at all. The divers we had in the drama put me to shame, their skill and fitness.
There’s a scene where you and Jack are in the sea — it must have been pretty cold.
Aisling Loftus: It was OK really. I can’t complain because it’s probably the best experience I’ve ever had. It was my first big acting role so I was nervous, especially when I found out who I was acting with, but that made me raise my game. Gina McKee plays my mum so it’s really quite awe-inspiring to see that kind of skill.
Jack O’Connell: Eddie Marsan plays my dad and if you have someone who already knows what they’re doing, it’s great. I found his whole approach really easy to work with.
Could you relate to your character?
Jack O’Connell: Definitely, I was playing a teenager and I’m not far off that. A lot happens between 16 and 17 and I had to show that growth, so personally I could relate to what was going on.
Do people recognize you from Skins?
Jack O’Connell: Yes, but it’s not an issue because Skins is cool, so it could be worse. If I’m out with my relatives and anyone recognises me I want them to bear that in mind – but don’t think I’m like Cook and expect me to get naked!
What was it like working with Michael Caine in the movie Harry Brown?
Jack O’Connell: I’m on first name terms and everything! I remember seeing him out and about in Soho, and I said, ‘All right Michael?’ and he turned round and said, ‘Hello there Jack, son’. No word of a lie and I got a full on handshake off him. In our scene together in the film I’m bound to a chair so I was limited as to how much rubbing of shoulders I could do with him, but it was an education.

Labels: dive , entrevistas , Filmografia , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Jack O´Connell , Megan Prescott , Skins , video
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