Skins 5 Meet Mini
Skins Fansite
ABOUT ME: I’m the lovely Mini McGuinness. My initials are M and M; because I’m the super sweetest girlie you’ll ever meet.
I'll attend the infamous Roundview College with my BF and BFF’s. Holla if you see me yeah, I don’t bite... despite the rumours.
Things I likey; Shopping. Shoes. Sushi. Sex. (and yes, always in that order.)
Five things I couldn’t exist without; my mobily, Heat magazine, GHDs, Tracy Anderson and my Jimmy Choos (if you don’t have a pair, you don’t know how it feels).
I wouldn’t dream of leaving the house looking anything less than sex. It’s not vanity, it’s just self pride. People care about people who care about themselves, simple as. Develop a standard and people treat you accordingly (just make sure it’s high). Plus the perks of looking perpetual perfection is that you don’t ever have to untag yourself from picys.
I don’t really have a favourite food. I eat to live, not live to eat.
My ultimate fave drink is a sour apple martini but I’ve never had to buy my own... and I don’t intend on starting.
I don’t get starstruck. For reals, I once met Kate Moss, randomly, in the bathroom at Taman Gang, during my cousins 21st bash... she told me my skin was flawless. Ladies never under estimate the value of a tailor-made skin care résumé.
Anyways, comment me you crazy diamonds XOXO M ♥
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: TAKEN. I have the bestest boyfriend in Brizzley, Nicky Levan; he’s sooo good to meee. S.O.Z. lads, he’s a triple threat; HOT. AS. FUCK.
ROLE MODELS: Diana, Princess of Wales, Marilyn Monroe and Madonna. Three classy ladies that let the world know; I may be a super sexcilious bombshell but I’m no bimbo. I want what I want and I’m going to get it but I’m also going to make you love me for it. These women were gods among men.
TALENTS: Yoga/Pilates. Maintaining a BMI of 19. Rolling the neatest spliffs (no lie, end to end they are perfection). Can recite the caloric value of any food. Getting in and out of cabs without flashing my Ace of Spades. Guessing someone’s exact fragrance after a whiff of their perfume... I’m never ever wrong (FYI ladies, don’t be fooled by the name "Charlie Chic", if it comes in a can, it's body spray not perfume). The ability to make high street look effortlessly high fashion (an unbelievably rare quality that would thinspire even Rachel Zoe).
BOOKS: Harry Potter obvs, give me a bit of Cedric Diggory anyday (he's way hotter as a wizard than a vampire).
MUSIC: I'm well into Dubstep at the moment. It's fit. And I love Katy Perry!
My Spotify playlist
MOVIES: Dreamgirls. Grease. Dirty Dancing. Pretty Woman. The Hot Chick. Legally Blonde. Clueless. Mean Girls. Crossroads.
TV: Inbetweeners. (If I didn't already have the sexiest boyfriend in the world I'd totally do Simon from Misfits). Come Dine With Me is fricking genius. Party Wars. I heart Katie and Peter! Defo Team Peter, he's the ultimate loveable douchebag. Vampire Diaries can suck it, it's all about True Blood (it's like Methadone for us Twilight junkies) XOXO Gossip Girl. 90210. The Hills - Spedi needs a good slap. ANTM.
MOTTO: 'You can never be too rich or too thin'.
WEBSITES: http://www.heatworld.com/
TWITTER: @thatskinny_B

Labels: entrevistas , Gossip , Interviews/Photoshoots , Kathryn Prescott , magazine , Mini , photoshoot , Skins , Skins season 5 , SkinsUS
About SkinsFansite
Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX
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