Skins Fire - Clips

Here some clips of Skins Fire. Effy´s story it´s coming...1st July on E4.
Jun,29,2013 | View article

Kaya interview - About Skins 7

Effy Stonem, fragile tearaway-cum-femme fatale with a history of depression, 2007-10 Why is y
Jun,25,2013 | View article

Skins 7 G3 behind the scenes - photo shoot with Kat and Lily

Here is the behind the scenes video of the G3 photoshoot with Kat and Lily.
Jun,21,2013 | View article

Skins Q&A with Kat and Lily

  Skins Q&A with Kat and Lily . #AskKatAndLily was trended wordwide ,so don´t miss thi
Jun,21,2013 | View article
  • Skins Season 6

  • Skins 6x03 Alex Download

    Here is the download links for the 3th episode of skins series 6, Skins.S06E03.720p.HDTV.x264-BiARapidshare Turbobit http://link

    Feb,07,2012 | View article

  • Skins 6x02 Rich Download / Watch Online

    Here is the download links for the second episode of Skins series 6. HD Rapidshare Turbobit DepsoitFiles

    Jan,31,2012 | View article

  • Skins 6x03 Alex - Preview

    Check below the new promo video of the 6x03 of Skins .

    Jan,31,2012 | View article

  • Skins Season 5

  • Skins 5 in New Zealand - New promo pics

    A long time hum??? Well, here are some new promo pics that we´ve never seen before. They´re part of the promotion to Skins in New Zealand.

    May,15,2011 | View article

  • Jamie Brittain confirms exit

    According to digital Spy and Jamie Brittain´s twitter, Jamie is leaving the production of Skins. "Jamie Brittain has confirmed that he has decided to stop working on the television show Skins. Brit

    Apr,10,2011 | View article

  • Skins cast in FIASCO magazine - March

    You can see our lovely cast of Skins in the this month edition of FIASCO magazine.

    Mar,29,2011 | View article

  • Generation 1

  • Gen 1 and Gen 2 about the US version

    As you all already know the US version of Skins will not have a second season. Here is what our lovely actors from the last 2 UK seasons have to say about this remake. (from Bullett Magazine) Why

    Jun,29,2011 | View article

  • Missing Mitch? He´s featuring TROIX magazine

    TROIX mafazine is featuring MITCH HEWER on the cover of BAD TO THE BONE June issue. "Known for his controversial role as MAXXIE, the gay teen character in the UK hit series "SKINS," Mitch not only g

    Jun,29,2011 | View article

  • Vote for Nicholas Hoult - NewNowNext awards

    Nicholas Hoult has been nominated for the Logo Channel’s NewNowNext Awards under the category, Brink of Fame: Actor. Now in its fourth year, this influential awards show will not look at the year tha

    Feb,23,2011 | View article

  • Interviews/Shoots

  • Star of Skins interview - Dakota

     Another interview to Dakota . Interview by welovebrighton. The Skins tour is hitting the pier with Beardyman in Brighton to publicise the show &

    Jan,28,2011 | View article

  • Demon FM interviews Sean Teale

    Here is an interview by Demon FM to Sean Teale... He talks about his role in Skins, how excited he his about the series and about his relationship with Mini. Listen to the full thing by clicking he

    Jan,28,2011 | View article

  • Sean Teale talks to 'The Hangover'

    Sean Teale speak to Hangover hosts Rob Wills & Nicola Fletcher to discuss skins, love and life. Mr.E.Productions was there to record the start of a radio legacy.

    Jan,27,2011 | View article

  • Skins Actors News

  • Vote for Nicholas Hoult - NewNowNext awards

    Nicholas Hoult has been nominated for the Logo Channel’s NewNowNext Awards under the category, Brink of Fame: Actor. Now in its fourth year, this influential awards show will not look at the year tha

    Feb,23,2011 | View article

  • kathryn Prescott about Lethal

     Here is a mini interview with Kathyrn Prescot in the behind the scenes in Lethal. "Behind the scenes at British film 'Lethal' we caught up with 'skins' star Kathryn Prescott." Source

    Jan,26,2011 | View article

  • PIcs added - Kaya, Lily and Meg on vacations

    Kaya was in vacations with Meg and Lily ... and here is the result! :) how we miss all the girls! About Kaya... well, she said some things in twitter about Skins US some days ago... it happens tha

    Jan,25,2011 | View article

  • Skins Movie

  • Kaya Scodelario interview-About Skins The Movie

    Here is an interview with Kaya for the Digital Spy, where she talks about the Skins Movie.Watch the video bellow. Source

    Nov,09,2011 | View article

  • Skins the Movie latest news

    Hey guys... it seems that finally we will have some news about the movie of Skins from now on. We receveid an email of Uk Acting Academy saying this: "Skins the Movie update will follow - with hopes

    Jun,14,2011 | View article

  • Skins Movie - early 2011

    Here are some informations about the Skins Movie. Yesterday we published the possibility of kaya scodelario to be part of the cast...well, KayascodelarioWeb published this in the website yesterday: "

    Sep,17,2010 | View article

Skins 5 Meet Grace

NAME: Grace Violet
ABOUT ME: Hey-ho I’m Grace Violet.
Okay-dokie, things about me... I'm a self professed Janeite, dedicated thespian, part-time ballerina and full-time dreamer... seriously, I have the uncanny ability to lucid dream about whoever and whatever I want. I have done since I was little, always thought everybody could.
I used to attend Mayberry's College for Young Ladies but I'm going to be a first year student at the state college of Roundview. It's super surreal, partly because I'll be in the same classes as both of my forever friends, Mini McGuiness and Olivia Malone, but mostly because I've never attended a co-ed school before, it's majorly different.
One of the main things I love about Roundview is that I won't have to wear a school uniform anymore; although I did wear it as a costume for Halloween this year. Mini told everyone I was Hit Me Baby Britney but I wasn't, I was actually Nabokov's Lolita. Mini said Britney would be much scarier though. I adore Halloween. I mean it's the only time a year where for one night you can transform into anyone you want and everybody has to play along.
I love collecting coins; well just pennies really, for good luck of course. I also have a habit of making wishing on things; you know, wishbones, dandelions, eyelashes, new shoes (but if I told you what they were, none of them would come true, would they?).
If I could have any super power I'd love, love, love to be able to talk to animals, you know like Dr. Doolittle or Eliza Thornberry. I'm a bit of an animal fanatic. I've adopted two polar bears, a penguin and a baby seal pup. Although we have a dog at home, I'm a secret Ailurophile as well. I love Kitty cats. I often feed the ones I see around the neighbourhood and rename them too (you know, so it feels like I have loads of pets); so far I have a Grace Kelly, Lady Macbeth, Willoughby and a Snow White (Snow White's my favourite though, shhh.)
If I was an ice cream flavour... I'd be vanilla. Well that's what Mini says (Liv would be a chocolate chunk ice cream Sunday, without the cherry and she would be a low fat frozen yogurt). To be honest, I don't mind being vanilla. Everybody body likes vanilla, it goes with everything. I mean without vanilla ice cream, what would everybody eat their deserts with... frozen yogurt?? P.S. they serve it at Nandos, it's actually surprisingly yum.
BOOKS: The Big Book of Fairytales. Sense and Sensibility. Pride and Prejudice. Wuthering Heights. Northanger Abby. Mansfield Park. Persuasion. Emma. Lolita. Jane Eyre. Little Women. Ballet Shoes. Alice Through the Looking Glass. Great Expectations. Tess of The D’Urbervilles. A little Princess. The Secret Garden. Tom’s Midnight Garden. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. The Wizard of Oz. Tales From The Brothers Grimm. Matilda. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland.
PLAYS: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Death of a Salesman, Cyrano de Bergerac, Macbeth, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cymbeline, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, The Winter's Tale.
MUSIC: Anything that moves me.
My Spotify playlist
MOVIES: Casablanca. Sabrina. 42nd Street. Meet Me In St. Louis. A Star Is Born. The Wizard of Oz. An American In Paris. Mary Poppins. The Sound of Music. Annie. Singing In The Rain. Top Hat. The Gay Divorce. My Fair Lady. West Side Story. The Red Shoes. Grease. Fame. Dirty Dancing. Moulin Rouge. Chicago. Cleopatra. The Philadelphia Story. The Shop Around The Corner. An Affair To Remember. Some Like It Hot. Roman Holiday. Meet John Doe. La Belle Et La Bete. Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Romeo and Juliet. Every Disney film I can think of...
TV: Jeeves and Wooster. The One Show. Strictly Come Dancing. Anything on the Disney Channel. So You Think You Can Dance. Downton Abbey. Agatha Christie’s Poirot. The Forsythe Saga. Any Human Heart. Upstairs, Downstairs.
AMBITION: To be cast as Odette in Swan Lake, with The Royal Ballet... because you get to play the black swan and the white swan.
DREAM DATE: Definitely Mr. Darcy; we've met; he's a fabulous tap dancer.
MOTTO: 'We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.'
TWITTER: @theamazinggracy

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX