Skins Fire - Clips

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Kaya interview - About Skins 7

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Skins Q&A with Kat and Lily

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4x05 Freddie Review (Last Part)

But again, after the whole happiness, Effy falls apart. And Freddie takes her home.

It’s totally understandable why Freddie didn’t take Effy home. He was terrified her mom was going to send her to hospital, just like his father did.. and he would lose her the same way his father allowed himself to lose his wife. It totally makes sense in Freddie’s mind. It’s him who needs to take care of her, no one else business.

The Carnival scene..

Cook is there, and so is Katie <3>

How adorable is Cook helping Freddie to find Effy and Katie holding her in her arms? I ship those friendships soo much.. *.*

This entire scene is just beautiful. Freddie’s face, absolutely terrified, you can see it in his eyes! He's emotionally weak.. desperate! Again, amazing performance from Luke. Just PRETTY AMAZING! And Cook/Freddie's nod after they found Effy is totally.. totally.. I don’t even know what!

Freddie in tears, the intense look on his face, and Katie is worried the shit out of herself too, and you can see she does care a lot about Effy, and besides it all, you can also say that she understands how fucking much he really loves her.. And the way Effy just clings to him.. Just totally upset, but at the same time, it’s like she found safety, in his arms. Although, Freddie realizes that it is too late, he needs to do something quickly, find help, if he doesn’t want to lose her forever. There’s nothing he can do anymore, and that’s breaking him in pieces. By this time, I can fell clearly in my heart to the desperate of Freddie, his suffer.. And my heart hurts here, it’s like struggling.. and I can’t.. can’t control my tears.

This is totally heart breaking. I really loved all of the scenes with Freddie and his granddad. I really love this entire episode. This is the prettiest close to marvelous.

Freddie: I did what I could, Granddad. I did everything.
Granddad: I know you did, son..

He blames himself.. he can’t let go the idea that his father killed his mother, and he fells like he’s about to letting it happen too. . But he loves her too much, too much to care about the damages it may cause to him, he just can’t leave without her.. he freakin loves her! And his suffering so much because he knows things are running out of his control! Oh Freddie, I want to hug you so much, I love you so much!

When Katie arrives and says that Effy won't come out of the toilet..

- No, no no no no no no... NO NO NO NO NO!!

No, no no no no no no... no no no no no! [2] When FreddiE was running, and crying.. i just .. lost myself.

So this is it. It happened. And actually, we all knew it was the only way to end it.


His scream.. His desperate. His suffer. His own illness. Right now, I’m all tears.
This scene.. is entirely amazing. No words. Luke, you’re just .. amazing. ♥

Back at the hospital.. and Karen is there, oh Karen. You’re a lush. I’m so fucking glad she did the right thing here. It’s so adorable.

- Go.. Away.

No! Why Effy? Why? He does not care.. he wants to be on your side, no matter how fucking mental you are. Just look at his face. He even tries to compose himself just to make her fell ok.. But I understand why she asks him to go away. She loves him, and she knows how he felt, she knows what she has done to him, she does not want to make him suffer anymore because of her, she wants him to be with her, when she’s ok. That’s it. She can stand watching him like that. :(

And neither can I.

*.* I think this is the reconciliation between these two. He finally understands that maybe his father has done everything he could. He knows now.

Anthea: Before she hit the world, she was this fire. Heating every bit of me. So intense, burned. I think I knew even then that she was gonna be remarkable. Then, when I held her for the first time, it was like holding this, beautiful bomb. Her energy was you know, even then it scared me. So I think I'm prepared for this. Whatever this is. She's gonna need us. To help rebuild her again.

Freddie: She's gonna need you.

First – this is too emotional too handle

Second- I’m so glad they put this scene here. This interation and love between them both.. they here for each other, they share effy’s love, and care about her. Such a win!

And third – That’s the reason why. Effy is so complex, so amazing, such a beautiful disaster.. even I goose when I heard Anthea talking like this about her.. she said it all. The way she always knew Effy was special.. GOD!

Freddie is so fucking fed up!

When your anger and desperate are bigger than you, you crash, and there’s no going back.

- There's no future without her.
- Fuck the future!

I have no words for this scene. Best end ever. I’m so glad Cook showed up, and once in a lifetime, it was him who was there for Freddie, to comfort him, to be his friend. And I heart this sooo much <3

This totally crashed me too. One of the best’s scenes ever.

Freddie: There's nothing anymore!

Cook: There's nothing but now, mate! It's the end of the fucking earth, man. End of the fucking earth. You have to go further now, mate. For her. For you. For me.

Cook finally understood how much Freddie loves Effy, how deep them love his, and he’s supporting them. Freddie needs to be ok, and wait for her to be too. So then they can be happy. So then they can be together.

In my personal opinion, I always loved Freddie, and Effy always was my favorite character and Freffy means all. I think this episode was the best ever, and perfect to explain how big their love actually is, and enough, I hope, to finish all this ridiculous hate for Freddie. He is sweet, lovely, and he cares about everyone around him.

I’m so thankful to the writers who put up this lovely story and I just can pray to Effy be ok and came back. It won’t make sense now if they don’t end up together, not after all this.

This is devastating heart breaking, and Luke &Kaya put it up even better.

I loved the way effy had just been on this season, and no, to me, it wasn’t to rush that she suddenly went crazy. If you look back, to the others seasons, she always had been dysfunctional, I always know that something wasn’t right with her, and that deep down, she was broken, just waiting to explode. It had to happen, and all this drugs dependence and her feelings finally coming up, stronger and stronger every minute that passes, helped this all to collapse.

She needs Freddie, and he obviously needs her. They would be complete if if they won’t be apart.

And I don’t think there’s any reason, or even sense, to put Effy and Cook again. That would totally ruin the series, and ruin it for good.

Hope you all have enjoyed the episode as much as I did, and from the bottle of my heart I’ve got tell you that for me, this was the hardest and best episode I’ve reviewed.. and I’m glad to see that it also changed lot’s of people’s minds about Freddie, and Freffy. I always knew it ;)

Next episode, 4x06 – JJ.

Now please excuse me, I’ve gotta run to take MDMA, and kill myself too. =P

‘’Shit happens.''

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX