After Ellen website-Naomily interview
Skins Fansite
One more time the After Ellen website talks about our couple of Skins: Emily and Naomi.
This time they have an interview with our fav lesbian couple and here is the video!
"Kathryn Prescott and Lily Loveless talk about their lesbian fans, their final series together and the ladies that turn their heads in real life. Kat may also have suggested that the pair will have a rosy end in series 4.
Great LezBritain had it whispered in their ear that Kathryn Prescott and Lily Loveless will be signing the Skins novel on Friday, February 5, at 6pm at HMV in Oxford Street, London. So if you live in the area or indeed you are just willing travel, get down there early and go get something signed. Nice"

Labels: 4ª Temporada , entrevistas , Generation 2 , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Kathryn Prescott , Lily Loveless , Naomily , Skins , skins season 4 , video