Skins Review 4x01 - Thomas
Yet again, Skins are back.
After a whole year, we get finally to be delighted with our favorite tv show, and our favorite cast.. <3 However, I’ve got to be honest: that is not, for sure, one of my favorite episodes. It didn't catch me that much, and it did not exceeded the expectations, and the long waiting.. I still thinking the first episode from Season 3 was way better! (Towards the fact it was a pilot). So, we've been aware of some parts of the new story, as the new girl coming out, Effy's initial absence, the presence of Thomas's family, the change on the look of every character, BUT, i kind was expecting more familiar, more perspectives of the others characters... I don't know. I think it was too focused in Thomas. Shall we start from the beginning? The new song, the new opening credits. It's a remix, it's more active, good, but, I’ve always liked the slow emotional and strange music from the credits of skins, actually, I’ve always thought skins had the best opening credits of every series, until now. I don't really like the song. I think I prefer the old one... Although, the new opening scenes are fine! Loove the kiss between Naomily and Freffy, also kind of ship Thomas and JJ's getting on their own stuff xD Maybe it's a matter of time, and we'll get used to it :) 
Anyway, Skins started in a very ‘skins way’. You may not like the rest of the episode, but, you've got give some credits to the beginning, it's BRILLIANT. The way they've put it all together, the introduction of Sophia, and the return of our cast, making her pass between them, all of them, in their natural life style was lush!
So she is stoned, we can see that. She passes Cook, who's fucking some girl in the stairs, that's normal; Freddie's next, almost let his drinks went to the floor. Katie is flirting with some guy ;) Then JJ and Panda, who are dancing like fools; Thomas, who looks likes is in charge (actually he is, yeah), just felling the groove; and last, but not least, Naomily, who are kissing each other, very happy and in love, in the middle of everyone! GOD, that kiss was AWESOME . Finally i get a kiss like that between these too, I was waiting for some material like this ;)
I like the place, like the song.. like the scenario!
She kills herself, right in the beginning of skins, so this is it, the story that makes season 4 goes around.
Hum... Meanwhile I was watching this scene, I keep questioning myself: why no one tried to stopped her, when they’ve saw her getting ready to jump? Someone may be able to have stopped her, but yeah, this is skins, so, who cares?!
No one notices, as she moves to her suicide thing, like, very soft, don't you think? She was way too cool for someone who's about to kill herself.. Damn.
Then the big shock, Panda looks like she is going to faint, IMAO, her face..
Thomas being intimidated to not talk about the drug dealers and the people, all under age, who were there, tonight.

That interrogation was kind of stupid, and boring. Maybe one of the most boring scenes on the all episode :S
After the all ‘shut the fucking mouth Thomas’, Panda went to sleep at his home, but the interference of Kasoke, brings the problem. LOL
I actually thought his mother quite boring, but don't get me wrong, I don’t dislike her, and neither have nothing against Thomas, but this episode is far from what skins could be. That's it. She brings nothing to me, or to the series.

Panda is really cool in this scene, she kind of save the boring material her, I can see she keep getting the bests lines :)
Anyway, thought this episode we get to see a different Panda, she is more adult now, she knows the power of sex, she is free, independent and more like a regular girl ( who talks trash all the time ;D)
I have to draft the way Thomas treats his brother and sister, is SO cute!

The slapping scene was a bit, you know awkward, I mean, who gets slapped and do nothing but ‘I’ll put Daniel to bed’ ?! Her mother is a hard women -.-‘ And he, well, he needs to impose himself.
Thought it was bit of humiliating to his character, and useless to the story. She didn’t need to slap him, she didn’t need to refuse the money, if in the end, she was going to accepted it anyway, so, bah.
But I like her sister, by the way, think sometimes she made the episode :)
Maybe another James Fitch?
And, then another very Skins scene, the first proper sex scene, and the first naked Panda scene (yes, you can see her boobs if you pay attention).. And, WOW.

Thought they were not having sex!? I mean, Thomas wasn’t absenting it? Whatever. Naughty Panda… ;)
She knows all about it right know, but, this Andrea messed up things. I gotta tell you, when in the promos I watch that praying scene with everyone raising their hands, looking weird and singing, I’ve never ever imagined where it will fit, or even what that was. Now, it makes sense, good.

Flirt, boring Thomas, more flirt, etc.
I was not paying too much attention right now, it’s like, yeah, we could do it without this part.

Yet again, the girl makes me laugh.
Ok, 1-0. :)
Actually, Thomas starts questioning everything and everyone, his friends, his life, his purposes, everything.
Arrive at school, right in the beginning we can the tension between Thomas and Cook.. ‘Thought you needed a friend right now’. A friend?! Thanks Cook, but I don’t think he would ever call you if he needed a friend. Not after what you’ve done, and especially when looks like things are not sorted out yet, and Thomas never forgot what Cook’s thing with Panda…
They are not friends anymore, uhh. Also, Thomas starts to get suspicious about Cook’s attitude. He loves drugs, he was there, he said that that girl has beyond fucked up. Hum. I think Cook hasn’t changed a bit. Still hate him, and he stills not very smart =P

The best scenes in this episode are, actually, the ones where the group is all together.
Apart from this one. Meet the new director. David- no-matter-what-Blood. Yeah, he’s like.. freaking ridiculous, in a very stupid way, yeah? Reminds me Harriet.
And Cook smoking. Again? Are you serious? Isn’t it forbidden in EVERY school? IMAO.
Freddie looks gorgeous, like always, Emily and Naomi’s hair looks fantastic *.*, Panda is not ugly anymore, and everyone is dressing better, which is good! =P
I missed Roundview College!

Moving on, Emily is right. Why do they need to question everyone about this girl’s death?!
Katie Fitch. I love Katie, and need more of her than just watching her flirting some guy in the beginning and being called to ask a few questions by the police. We don’t even get a line of her! That’s not fair, she is amazing! I miss her. And she also looks great. Hope there’s more Katie soon, because, you know, she rocks my world in skins so hard (:
Back to the suicide thing, you can see Naomi’s uncomfortable, so, not a secret that she has something to do with it. Cook is also being ‘watched’ carefully by Thomas.
And, Emily is starting to be ironic, IMAO, being too much with Naomi is starting to messing with her head ;) Like this new outgoing Ems! Not afraid to talk anymore.
They also have noticed the Effy’s mysterious disappearance. Yeah, honestly, it does not make sence. In the episode 10, Effy choosed Freddie, they were ok, and Cook was kind of in middle of a mess with Freddie. Now we are back, Cook and Freddie are fine, and Effy is gone?! If we haven’t read the Skins novel (and a lot of you may haven’t read it yet, so yeah) we didn’t know that Effy abandoned them, travel away, and they restarted their unit friendship. Stupid. No one disappears without a trace.
Whatever, Freddie haven’t heard about Effy. No one has. We clearly see that she actually touched the nerve. Freddie still in love with Effy, still thinking about her. And JJ. Oh JJ. We are not happy, obviously. Anyway, I respect the way you’re always trying to fix it, and make everyone feel better. Sweet!
Plus, why is Naoms like Effy? So quite, and mysterious? :S

We are so happy, that Thomas can’t keep is head on the game. Went after Cook, who’s actually flushing drugs down the toilet IMAO, yeah, it’s not that good being with your material when you’re about to get interview about that.
Thomas makes clear to Cook that, if he gave drugs to that girl, he is going to denounce him. Cook tells him to fuck off. So they fight. Thomas asks Cook about Effy, and Cook replies back. And it’s Freddie for the rescue! Actually, I don’t understand Freddie’s face to Thomas.. It’s like is Thomas fault. Well, it may be, a part, but, why is Freddie always defending Cook? Acting like a dumb ass Freddie, is not gonna make things better.

Back to Thomas and Panda, lol. Naughty Panda [2]
This girl is on fire! It was just missing Thomas saying that he’s gay or planning to be a priest. Ahah. Poor Panda.
Oh, no, wait, I’ve forget about the other girl. Look, accidently, he hears her singing and follows the sound, and, yeah, remains watching her. Oh. That sounds like love. Hum.
Next? Andrea’s house. A religious date, with the all family! Again, the little sister makes up the moment, she is so cute.

And the priest loves Thomas too, so it’s ok if her daughter decided to fuck him. Dumb.
A lot of flirt between those too, and Thomas singing again! Well, is not that bad, and her, well she sings amazingly! Just love the sound of voice.
Also, I loved the American joke! I’m sorry, I’m not American, and I absolutely agree on the Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Rihanna’s thing. AHAH, couldn’t say better!
Don’t know what to say about the conversation on the kitchen. So, he wants Thomas’s soul? Thomas notices some things on his friends that are not so genuine?
Thomas is giving his soul to god. It’s him. We know it already. Ups.
In the hospital Thomas revealed a new face. He finally stands up his mother! We didn’t know his dad was dead, but we knew that for sure he needed money and better conditions.

Everything is fucked up, nothing make sense to Thomas, anymore. Well, he was fragile, felling lonely, his girlfriend can only think about sex, and his friend’s are a pack of motherfuckers, not mentioning that a girl died, and he feels guilty. The fact that someone with who he completely identifies himself is there, makes him feel better. Yeah, easy solutions sound nice in difficult times, but, woke up, you still have a girlfriend.
Anyway, didn’t get why he apologized to Andrea? Was she a virgin? Well, looks like someone doesn’t serve the Lord anymore.
Ps: actually, the scene is great, that’s the second time we see Merv’s ass on his episode, ahah.
He fells regret about it, on his bed, observing the money. We can see that. Poor Thomas, I actually fell sorry for him now. He’s sweet, but he is taking all this by himself and no one understand. Thomas is not my favorite character, and in the first season, he looked like displaced from skins, from everyone there, but know, I think we’ve found something deeper in his character. I like him.

Later, Panda shows up at Thomas house. She brought JJ and donuts! Although, these things are from the past, donuts do not work anymore, something happened and they are different persons now.
While JJ is being the sweetest guy watching carefully the movie, Thomas tell panda that he cheated on her, and that he wanted to, after she tried to seduce him with JJ right there. Naughty Panda [3]!
She freaks out, living him, after telling that he fucked up everything. Yeah, she started, but he didn’t mean he needed to do the same. Lazy scene, if you’ll excuse me. A bit of hypocrisy from Panda too. Anyway.
Back to school, Thomas is expelled (wtf!? That was the stupidest thing ever) and Panda is crying, everyone around her, trying to make her feel better.

Apparently, drinking and getting pissed off, IS the solution to basically everything. After a couple of vodkas, Thomas realizes the presence of Cook and Naomi. This strange suddenly friendship between these too.. It’s weird, I prefer their usual cat-dog complicity.
Cook is being an ass again and Thomas punch him. Imao, Naomi for the rescue this time. Then the final revelation, it was her that gave drugs to that girl. Wow, how shocking! Not really.

Anyway, I liked the fact that Naoms is all concerned about Emily, and Emily’s opinion. Yes, she would be very disappointed at you, but I think she keep more to herself with that girl then just the drug deal. But, it’s just me.
Thomas is surprised by Naomi’s acts, and very unhappy, not to mention that he’s drunk to. He leads to Andrea’s house, to try to talk to her, but the pastor don’t let him, and felling sorry for him (yeah, I fell to right now) , ask him to leave.

Ahah, he just needs someone to talk, and start yelling for her.
Wow, she appears and follow him! So sweet. It’s only a shame that he tells her that he loves his girlfriend and that he cheated on her. Stupid. I actually understand that he fells ok with her, and yeah, she felt a connection with him. I thought Thomas was gonna leave Panda for her, but no. Thomas brooked another girl’s heart.
As soon as it started, it was over. Stupid, stupid.
Finally, at home, her mother decided to let Thomas do what he think he should do, and use the fucking money to bring them better conditions! Alleluia. I’m not expecting any more Kasoke scenes from now on. Thanks.
Everything is almost right to Thomas, but there’s Panda missing. Once again, I’ve got to tell you, how different she looks!

Big thing. No Thomas, you both can’t start again, cause, you don’t share your fellings with her anymore, it’s not because you’ve fucked someone else. These two never worked as a couple for me, but, I felt right now that I didn’t want them to be apart. Don’t know. Poor Thomas. Poor Panda. Life is sad.
Then the second big scene of this episode. Effy’s return!
I’m unhappy we had only a few final seconds of Effy, I need Effy. I needed Katie too.
As Panda walks in the kitchen talking about how she treated Thomas, I’ve realized she wasn’t talking to her mother, and my heart started to beat fast, as my suspicious were confirmed, Effy’s back!

Can I just say how GORGEOUS she actually is? She made the episode. And so did the pop tarts.
Effy approves Pandas attitude, and tell her to let Thomas think of what he has done (are she talking about herself and the triangle too?).

In his new clean big house, along with his brothers and his mom, but felling nothing but alone and sad, Thomas cry, and the episodes rich the end.
Yeah. That’s it. He cries, he fells sad, and it’s the end.
See what I mean?
It wasn’t a total trash, but it wasn’t perfect either. Not that I expected an happy ending for Thomas, but for sure I expected something more, more from the others, more development of the story, and more Effy , Katie and even Freddie.
The best things on this episode for me were Emily’s interventions and Effy’s appearance. Not to mention the party, which I loved too. And probably Naomi’s presence xD
Anyway, hope this get better, I mean, Emily’s episode is next, and it seems to be promising. I can’t wait for it, and I have already in my head a lot of questions and assumptions that I want to clear out!
Be sure to disagree and commenting on our reviews.
Keep with us, see you next time!
4x02 - Emily
"Shit Happens!"

Labels: 4x01 thomas , Eff , eff reviews , entrevistas , Gossip , interview , Interviews/Photoshoots , Jack O´Connell , Kathryn Prescott , Merv Lukeba , Reviews , Skins , skins season 4