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Skins Review - 3x01 Everyone

Welcome to Skins Portugal reviews! Here we talk about every episode on Skins, which is a very interesting tv show, so probably that’s why we like so much to talk about it…

I may warn you, that this is a totally free and personal opinion, so don’t fell offended, and even if you do, fell also free to comment on it!

So Skins is back. Finally, after this entire wait, we get to see the all new cast. This is basic a pilot episode, but I kind of like pilots, because they can gives us the brief of the story, introduce the characters, and be a little soft. Of course there are some people who think this was one of the weakest ep of all series, but I’ve personally enjoyed a lot (especially more than Naomi’s and JJ’s, but, that is something to see later xD)

Yeah, I’ve watch this episode, like, a million times, but I never get tired of It ;)

It starts with Freddie (oh, damn Luke Pasqualino…, and it’s only the beginning and those lips had already got me) skating. That scene always put a smile on my face. Besides the fact that it was fully done by a double, Luke is fucking gorgeous , it’s a shame that his character wasn’t used that well, but, still one of my favorite…

Then, after disturbing a cop, and some ppl who were working over there, we get officially introduced to the group, the best friends for life, Freddie, JJ, and Cook.

Hum, we get the feeling that cook is the bad guy, JJ the nerd one, and Freddie the nice hot guy.

I actually liked a lot that scene, they were cute, and sounded like their friendship was natural, and we could get some good storyline form that (which turns out to a wrong feeling: S)

After Cook acted like a complete dumb, and a good chat, finally the motivation arrives! ;)

To kill the empty left by the first generation, Effy and Effy’s father come to scene, and, gosh, Jimmy always makes me laugh! Ahah, what a character! He is so funny, poor old woman!

Then the all story begins, JJ ( JJ, oh, JJ… you kill me with your theories and sweetness! Poor JJ, sometimes I feel sorry for him) gets all excited watching Effy, Effy and Freddie just have their ‘’click’’, and then Cook acts like a total ass again!

Despite the all thing, I automatically hated/loved Cook.. He is fucking mental! J

‘-That girl is looking at you Freddie


-Well, maybe she is looking at me.

-She is not looking at you, JJ.


I missed Effy soooo much, she is my favorite character, and I love all her mysterious thing! She is very unique, as much as we try, we couldn’t never ever be like her, and god, Kaya! Why can’t I be like you? The whole ‘’sweet’’ thing was funny, Cook gets is motivation, Freddie is in love, JJ fells weird, Effy walks away, yeah, yeah. Whatever.

‘-My dad says, there’s something that should be left in your imagination, but, that’s not right, isn’t it?

-Your dad is a stupid tosser, JJ.


(Yeah, I couldn’t avoid mentioned Effy’s clothes.. Ok, so, I know it’s part of her very unique style, and it’s damn sexy, but… WTF??! Can you get out wearing something like that?!! They allowed you to go to school like that? Really? :O)

Passed that, we get to see one of the best characters (besides the fact she stills a little bit.. you know, how do we say it?... Can’t remember right know, I’ll tell you later =P).

So this is the scene where we see both cutie shiny and wild aggressive Em’s side.

She looks so cute choosing so carefully her clothes, (by the way, love the blue lingerie and the tigress :O) and trying to be … sexy. I love it. And next time, she is hitting his wonderful twat brother ahah. That was brilliant… I also get like, wtf, with Mrs Fitch… Like, could she be more interested in her own daughter?! God..

‘This thong is properly cutting me in half!’

Then the twins… I kinda say that if it wasn’t for the hair (which I actually LOVE TO PIECES!) I wouldn’t have noticed it… Any way, it was an exciting part, and I thought Katie was fucking brilliant! She just stoled Em’s clothes, and like: ‘Oh, you know it doesn’t looks that good on you’, ahah! It’s pretty obvious that Katie is in charge and Emily doesn’t know what’s to have a personality.

So once again, Katie.

One of the brilliants character on the series, really, I find her really likable, she rocks so hard! And also she got the best scenes and lines. I could really relate myself to her. And she is gorgeous too. ;)

So we’ve met the family, the twins, James, had a good laugh with it, and then cames Danny.

I personally was bored during the all scene; the only god thing was Ems getting embarrassed and looking like WTF and his ‘nice ones!!’ exciting expressions. Ahah.

So Katie got her point, arriving school on a fancy car, hot football player boyfriend and all the possible attention. Job done.

Speaking of attention, Pandora is again on screen. I personally don’t enjoy that much Panda, she is spoiled, child and immature, don’t get what is she doing on skins, but yeah, that’s something to find out about. Or maybe it was just her character that was completely ruined.

Ooh.. Effy, dear Effy, I would marry you right know because of this scene! I thought it was pretty amazing, you know where we got to see that ‘quite and mysterious Effy, who despite everyone, and don’t give a fuck to worry about the others’, she is so observant .. like, she catches it all, she instantaneously understand that thing between Ems and Katie, that we’ve already noticed, yes, but, whatever. Stills a brilliant Effy scene! I want more of those in series 4, please? Thanks.

‘Oh, you hate her.’

Hum, then a funny, but useless scene. It only works to let us know the teachers, to see that Cook got is cock tattooed and the freaky teacher?! God. That was bad.

I really loved seeing Freddie looking for Effy… Those eye-sex kill me J

JJ was also so hardly cute. <3>

But I thought what actually worked that all assembly was Naomi’s and Cook’s scene. Damn, I can’t stop watching and laughing of it. BRILLIANT! They have amazing chemistry. I hope he get a bigger Naomi&Cook thing, cuz they work out perfectly!

Coming up with the ‘Naomi Campbell’ thing was .. kind of stupid, but was a good reason to Naomi/Cook scenes, so, it’s ok ahah.

Damn, Kat looking like this to someone is just so FREAKIN’ HOT ! I could watch a whole episode of Emily looking to Naomi like that <3 style=""> and Em’s hair, even the color. Lovely.

Lol, Cook in Harriet office was kind of hilarious, and the expression ‘’removing my balls’’ is very popular here, so let’s get to business.

I really fancy JJ, Cook, and hot-Freddie faces when they are surprised by lots of girls in the school, wow, how unexpected!

‘’-Think she would lied down with me?


Ahah, poor JJ again! If look Freddie gazing Effy’s across the room, at his sexy face and delicious lips, men, u would be on fire… Jesus.

After a complete ironic magic scene from JJ, and cook’s stupid attitude again, FREFFY scene!

Being honest, this is one of the only speaking Freffy scene that we can get, but, still, a charming, cutie scene.

‘You can take anything if you want it enough’

You see Freddie using a sloppy excuse to get to talk with Effy, who don’t give a fuck about his supposed interest, but, suddenly, she reminds that a triple treat game would be funny, so why not to fuck the guy who could be expelled from the school faster?! Sure. Effy’s first big big mistake. And it’s only the first episode. In what was she thinking?

Freddie didn’t seem that much into it, but yeah, Cook is such a sweet guy, that would never do that kind of stuff, and Effy for sure didn’t mean that, so why not head of to Cook? Wanna an advice Freddie? If a girl says ‘let’s play’, and gives you a challenge, if you want to keep the girl, DON’T involve your best friend in it. Thank you.


Kaya, you shouldn’t look that hot when sixteen, girl.

Besides, I love Shove It, so the music help a lot in Effy freakin sexy attitude. I wish I could walk like that on my university and still don’t give a fuck about anyone. That scene always reminds me why Kaya is gorgeous, and why I love Effy so much.

“-What’s inexplicable mean, Eff?

Can't explain.

Alright, suit yourself."

LOOOOL.! Again, best scene ever. Pandora actually amused my on that. And can I just say again, that I love Effy’s attitude? Can’t help.

‘’Hi, I’m Pandora. I’m useless.’’

Ahah! Cute.

Katie again, lovely. She is so desperate to be popular, to be friends with Effy, to be as sexy and cool as her, that even breaks my heart. Emily keeps in the shadow. Ok, suit yourself too.

Naomi’s line here is FOR SURE one of the best lines ever on the show, brilliant! I think that Katie and Naomi just got my attention since the very begging too. Why not more Katie/Naomi scenes? They work so fine for the show. Loving it.

‘Watch out Katie, I might get confused and fuck you with my great big strap-on by mistake.’

Those girls are so hot! Wow, he get firing red hairs, sexy blondies, and a gorgeous mysterious brunette. I fancy it.
Effy’s point to Emily in the ‘’oh, you’re the doormat then’’, is also great. Hope Emily gets it.
Our boys again.

Freddie, Freddie, if you weren’t that hot, you would look like a total idiot in those clothes, same to Cook, but yeah.

So, boys checking out on the list, cook starts to prepare the stuffs, and Freddie does nothing?! Couldn’t you stop it? I think we had a big fail here on Freddie. Who’s the guy who watches the friend doing it and doesn’t get what IT’S GONNA HAPPEN? :/

Also, JJ locked on is so freakin’ cute. Oh JJ, you’re a hole of cuteness in this episode. And Freddie looking over to calm down JJ, just get me out of my mind. God dam full Pasqualino.

‘-Was I getting locked on?

-Locked on, JJ!’

Hum, so I have nothing to say about Panda here. ‘’Surf and turf me please?’’ IMAO.

I would get the bugger of there too. Bah. She looks lunatic when she is spinning on the middle of the school.

By the way, loved Kieran’s class, loved Kieran himself! Ahah, I can’t my teachers by just like that? It all would be so much funnier :)

The whole presentation thing was quite interesting.

‘’I’m Effy, and I think my mom is having an affair.’’ LOL. How can you not want to be like her?!

’’I’m Katie, and I’ve never hadn’t a boyfriend since I was seven’’. IMAO! Katie, you rock my world.

‘’I’m Emily. Never had a boyfriend.’’ ‘’Shit happens!’’ EPIC!! best line too J

‘’I’m Freddie. And I meet a girl I liked today… She is like… Beautiful.’’ Uhh… Come on, you’ve got give it a credit. If a hot boy like Luke Pasqualino, told you that, in middle of classe, you would freakin out!

I might let this romantic thing pass Freddie, but only one time! =P

'They don't have a nurse.'

So, Effy leaves the class, and Cook goes next, Freddie looks unhappy, you think that he knows what they are up to right? (That will lead us to another mistake on second episode).

Go ahead, second Effy’s big mistake. FUCKING THE WRONG PERSON.

Although I’m not an Effy/Cook fan, the scene was pretty cool. Effy is smokin hot, so yeah, don’t blame Cook. I love the song, and the all over the table thing, throwing stuffs away, and looking desperate was a nasty enjoyable part J And the teacher screaming at the end? Ahah. Pitchy.

Just wish there was Luke there, instead Jack. Luke is too hot to not be involved in a sexy scene like that!

So, in summary, wasn’t the best episode, but was funny and enjoyable.

I love to see Jimmy back. Effy is my favorite character and I love her when she is being sexy, quite and mysterious. Panda annoys me, but I can laugh with her some times. JJ is so freakin adorable, besides that fact he turns out to be sloppy and boring. Cook is just a jerk; I don’t really give a fuck about him, the end. Emily and Naomi got it all, the looks, the eye-sex, the storyline, but, unfortunately I don’t found that enough to be a favorite couple, Emily needs to make her personality came up, and Naomi must stop being that arrogant, and pushing people away, because, yeah, it’s hilarious, but, you will end up alone sweet heart. Katie is absolutely lovely and fantastic. Loved to see her. And Freddie is the hottest thing on the show, a real cutie, but kind of a ‘’dead’’ guy. Come on, you could do better with his character, besides the fact I love him.

Like always, British (no mean to offend) style is sooo awkward! Naomi is way horrible, and that hair doesn’t fit her, Emily is making up a mixture, that makes you look like.. wtf?! Panda is dressed like she is a 12 years old girl?! Effy is too provocative, and sexy. And Katie, how could be the most normal, is wearing socks with hers high hills. What’s wrong with those people? I’m not even commenting on the boys. -.-‘

Anyway, there were some great moments and songs in this episode, but, let’s wait for something more eventful, and productive from everyone.

See you guys in next episode, 3x02 – Cook.

‘Shit happens!’

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About SkinsFansite

Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX