Who´s Maxxie?
Skins Fansite
Maxxie Oliver is played by Mitch Hewer.
Click here to read his MySpace.
Click in Mitch Hewer to go to Wikipedia.
Alright? How are you doing?...But enough about you...What about ME?!?!
I'm Maxxie. I like toast. I like boys. I like Arcade Fire. I like drawing. I like performing. I like dancing.
If I had to spend the rest of my life in one place, it'd be in the Sistine Chapel, I went there on holiday with my Mum last summer. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I think you could spend forever looking at beauty like that... There's nice pizza there too.
I want to meet Johnny Depp. I want to meet Nigel Reo-Coker. I really, really, really want to meet Ron from Harry Potter... (don't ask!!!)
I love life and hate people who don't. I don't really give two shits if you like me or not. We're only here once so... Fuck it. No?
BANDS: Arcade Fire, The Knife, Stevie Wonder
AMBITION: New York, New York...Either Art School or Broadway!
WEBSITES: drawingmoustachesinmagazines
Maxxie's blog
Posted on 14/12/2007
Hello. I’m Maxxie and I’ve just finished watching the whole seven series’ of Star Trek - The Next Generation. I took my friend Anwar to see my favourite musical West Side Story the other day and in return he’s making me watch these stupid cyborgs with big foreheads. I really don’t understand why he likes it! But I don’t understand why he likes girls, either...I love it when people sing along to tunes they don’t know and make the words up as they go along. That makes me laugh. The other day I was in Topman and the Libertines were playing and this old guy was singing ‘you can’t stamp me out’ instead of ‘you can’t stand me now’. I think he noticed I was laughing cos he just started humming it instead. He even got that wrong.
I hate school. I hate teachers. I like dancing, drinking, dating...anything that begins with a 'd' really...I have a recurring dream where I’m being educated by a fox wearing a waistcoat and a fez who has the voice of Hugh Grant. I sometimes wake up laughing after that, and then I feel a little disappointed that I have to go and be educated by real, boring humans. But hey.
Keep coolly, cool boy,
Max. x.

Labels: 1ª Temporada , 2ª Temporada , entrevistas , Generation 1 , Gossip , Interviews/Photoshoots , magazine , Maxxie , Mitch Hewer , Personagens , photoshoot , Série Mtv , Skins , Skins Apresentação , Skins Portugal , Skins Season 1 , Skins Season 2