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Skins season 5 Style by Edward

One of the things that we always remember when we think of Skins is their style.... Here is Edward, the style guru, speaking of the individual style of our cast.

So, it’s time to meet this year’s intake to the Skins Academy of Style: another bunch of style-savvy teenagers ready to do battle with the world. And as we’ve already learnt, the clothes on your back play an important part in your armoury.
Since last time, the world’s gone even more crazy. Money’s tighter than ever and the grown ups have stuck their heads even further up their arses.
People are finally waking up to the fact that disposable fashion is not just lame but also an environmental and humanitarian disaster. So it’s up to our new bunch to find their way through the minefield out there and to make sure their clothes say the right things about them.
But of course all this is way too considered for our lot, they just want to wear what makes them feel good. And if they stand out from the crowd just a little bit then all the better.
I don’t want to give too much away but maybe I can give you a few highlights of some of the looks you’re going to see over the coming series.
In amongst some of the creative experiments you’re going to see, watch out for :

Alo -  The farm boy punk who takes leggings for men way further than Freddie ever dared. Clothes are just things to cover the naked body to this boy and anyway what’s so wrong with the naked body?

Nick - The most metrosexual sports fanatic Roundview has ever seen who lives by my mantra that there is no such thing as clashing colours. Fashion is a game to this boy - just like rugby - and the finest threads from FullCircle, Topman and Uniqlo teamed with a bright new boxfresh pair of Nike runners will keep him ahead of the pack.

Franky - The androgynous style icon who just wants to disappear. Her sartorial experiments defy all gender expectations and she’ll plunder from all ages of fashion if it feels right, from old-man trousers via romantic tail coats to Teddy Boy’s brothel creepers.

Grace - The dancing girl who’s just not quite ready to live in the 21st Century. Her dress sense harks back to earlier times when things were just made so much better and had such elegance – well that’s what she thinks anyway.

Matty - The dandy highwayman - shopping is for wimps and why bother when there’s so much great stuff out there that can be had for free?

Liv - The party girl who never wants to go home and expects her clothes to keep up. As long as it’s stretchy and will take her where she has to go this girl’s happiest layering up in bright basics from American Apparel, LNA and Velvet with the odd crazy electroclash/Aztec print for added excitement.

Mini - The fashion-forward beauty queen who thinks she’s harnessed the power of clothes. Everything she wears is a beautifully considered take on high fashion absorbed from careful study of glossy magazines via TopShop and Urban Outfitters.

Rich - The old school headbanger who never changes his t-shirt. He’s got his uniform and no one is going to get it out of him.

There’s also a new character for you to meet behind the scenes, Katie Newham who has joined me as my partner in crime as Assistant Costume Designer – and, of course, she always looks effortlessly stylish in her French thrift store dresses and beat up cowboy boots. Everyone say hello to Katie.

I'll be writing my usual guide to each episode of the series, so see you all here after episode 1.

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Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX