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Skins season 5 - Lesbians - Yes or No - Teentoday exclusive

TeenToday exclusive : TeenToday interviewed the cast of Skins and guess what? they discovered if there´s lesbians in this series.

"Fans of the Naomily storyline in the last generation of Skins are going to be sadly disappointed – we can exclusively reveal that none of the new cast are playing gays this time.

Obviously we went to meet the new girls and ask them what the hell they’re playing at. Continue reading to find out which one always gets asked if she’s a lesbian…

As you’ll know, the TT interview technique mainly consists of shouting, so in order to get straight to the point (ahem) we met with actresses Laya, Jess and Dakota and immediately asked “Are any of you playing lezzas?”

Laya reckons that her character Liv would be up for it.”She’s completely straight, she loves men too much to be a lesbian,” she told us, “but it’s not like she wouldn’t go there. Sex is sex and I think she’d have sex with anyone.” Doesn’t sound promising…

Dakota admitted that a lot of people thought her character Franky was supposed to be this year’s lesbian. “There has actually been a comment on the Skins website, under a picture of me, which says ‘Is she just a lesbian, or is she actually transgendered?’” But unfortunately, she’s neither. She just likes to dress a bit manly.

But Jess (who’s character Grace is also definitely not a lesbian) did give us this teaser: “There is a little bit. There’s something there.”

No proper gays then, but it sounds like there’s a tiny bit of girl-on-girl action coming up. And from what we’ve heard you can still get your lesbian-fix over on Corrie. Everybody wins."


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