Get to know all the new season 5 crew
Skins Fansite
So the e4 show us a few minutes ago the new cast of Skins season 5, and now we can know a little bit more of the new characters,you can read a little presentation of each one bellow."I'm Sebastian. I'm from a little village called Boxford, just outside of Newbury. It's very far away from anything. Working on Skins the most incredible thing, we have only been filming for a few weeks now but I've never learned so much in my entire life. I can't wait for people to see it."
"I'm Alex, I'm from Ashford, Kent. I think Skins is the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't believe I'd got the part, particularly when I haven't really done a lot of acting before so I was really surprised to get through! It's a great feeling to get the part through the open audition process. I auditioned in London, turned up with a few of my friends and was met by masses of other people auditioning. I didn't think there would be much point but I stuck it out and I made it through
"My name is Jessica Sula, I'm from Swansea, South Wales. It still hasn't sunk in yet! Skins is so different from anything else on TV and I'm just so excited to be part of it. I was revising for my exams, I took a break and saw that there were open auditions taking place for the next series. I headed down the next day to the open auditions in Bristol and the rest is history. I'm incredibly lucky."
"Hi I'm Will. I live in Ledbury, Herefordshire. I got the part through the open auditions in Bristol. I went with a group of friends as we were massive fans of the show so wanted to be part of it. We turned up to see thousands of people so I thought it would be pointless but turns out it was all worth it. I'm so lucky to be part of the Skins family, it's really fun and every day just gets better."
"Hello, I'm Sean and I'm from London. I got the part the day before my birthday so it was the best birthday present I could have ever hoped for! It's really strange to think I'm part of this new series. It hasn't really sunk in that I'm in the cast yet. So far I've had the best time filming. I'm having fun and I'm so lucky to be part of this incredible legacy!"
"Hi, I'm Freya and I'm from Edinburgh. I got the part through the open auditions in Bristol. I overheard about them in conversation on a bus and thought this was something I needed to be part of! I went along, queued for hours, made friends - it was crazy but all totally worth it! It's insane to think I'm in Skins, I've always been a fan and I'm so lucky that I'm in something which I've always admired."
"Hello! I'm Laya and I'm from Bristol. It's so exciting to be part of Skins, mainly because I'm from Bristol and it's great to represent the place where it's set. The auditions took place in my school. It was incredible, there were so many people. It was mad! I got the part while I was working. I was so excited but had to carry on. It was a great feeling"

Labels: Alexander Arnold , Cast , freya mavor , Gossip , Jessica Sula , laya lewis , Sebastian de Souza , Skins , Skins season 5