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Skins Fanfiction#2

#2Title: The Littlest Things

Author: Miss Peg

Rating: PG

Characters: Emily Fitch, Naomi Campbell

Summary: “It‘s the littlest things make the biggest sense”

Disclaimer: I don’t own Skins, or Naomily…or my summary (Small is Tremendous by Zoe Lewis)

The Littlest Things

She didn’t know why she loved Naomi. Sometimes she was rude, she fought constantly with her twin sister and she smoked like a chimney. When she was unsure about her sexuality it had torn Emily apart; the dancing back and forth between gay, straight and somewhere in between. Once they had a massive fight over something as stupid as Emily talking to Naomi’s mum, without her being present, about something really quite insignificant. Naomi was jealous, she was feisty and she didn’t always have the most tact. She curled her blonde locks so tightly around her finger when nervous, almost cutting off the blood supply. She chewed loudly. She even snored some, particularly when she had a bit of a snuffle. She never admitted she was ill, unless she could barely walk and despite once admitting that she did need someone, she still maintained her independence as a choice she took willingly. When Emily added all of the things she disliked about her girlfriend together, she began to wonder why she loved her, why she'd stayed with her for the length of time she had.

But then Naomi would sneeze; a slight squealing sneeze that sounded more like a mouse than a human. Or she would blow lightly on her coffee before sipping it gently until it cooled. Sometimes when she was tired she would rub her temples, when she had a headache she would rub her forehead and when she wanted a kiss she would glare at Emily longingly, even if they were on opposite sides of a dance floor or college corridor. The way she ran a finger down Emily’s spine when they made love. The way she breathed on her neck when they hugged. The snail-paced journeys down to the corner shop in her mum’s car because despite somehow passing her driving test, Naomi didn’t have the confidence to drive at normal speed through fear of killing someone or something.

It wasn’t just what she did, but the way she did it. Any person from the college could drop their belongings, but only Naomi apologised as though she'd hurt the object in some way. She didn’t know why she loved Naomi sometimes, but other times she didn’t know why she could doubt her love. The littlest things made her smile, made her heart beat that little bit faster or her mouth grow dry. She sometimes got annoyed when Naomi turned over the TV while she was in the middle of watching something. But when she interlinked their fingers her annoyance would disappear. The littlest things were what mattered. It wasn’t that she disliked her girlfriends choice in socks, or wished she'd surprise her once in a while. As long as she continued to tickle her toes when she wanted to wake her up, or butter her a slice of toast without checking that she wanted any, or even carry tissues in her bag in case the public toilets had run out of toilet paper.

Then she knew exactly why she loved Naomi Campbell.

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