4x05 Freddie Review
Skins Fansite
Hello again everyone! Skins reviews are back with Freddie's episode this time.
Well, I’m not sure how to start it.. You all know that I’m a huge Freffy and single Effy/Freddie fan, and that I was waiting for this episode so hard, especially for it to change and shut up everyone around Skins world.
And so did it. It was absolutely stunning, so well written, spontaneously and well done by Kaya and Luke! They both did it so fucking amazing! Luke improved so much, Freddie shown how spectacularly he is (and not boring) and Freffy has finally given their essence to us, and all the anti-Freffy’s over here. They catch everyone’s love, finally :)
For me, it was the best Skins episode EVER! God! So intense! I’ve already watched it 5 times, and I can’t get enough of it :O
So I love a lot of feelings coming to me this time, as soon as a finished watching the episode, besides the fact I was crying, I was already missing them, missing it, felling empty inside and absolutely .. SHOCKED!
Freddie is such a sweetheart and he loves Effy more than anything, and so does she. They need each other, they complete each other, they need to end up together, it won’t make sense if they won’t!
And Effy illness .. it’s not like it’s something new.. We always knew she wasn’t ok, she wasn’t a normal person, and that’s what I love about her, now even more! Effy crazy is just something I adore watching, and I’ve always want. She is the best character ever made, so complex and.. Special! Makes me want to be like her <3
There’s no more Ceffy material to those who try to ship them, this episode just ended their ‘apparently’ possible relationship.
Some people may think this episode wasn’t focused that much in Freddie, but I think it was, it shown us other side of him.. his guilty side, trying to make it up for what happened to her mother, trying to fix it, is past, and is love.. he caring of for someone, as he always does.. First Cook, who‘s totally depend of him, JJ, his family, and now Effy.
Well, I’ll be explaining my feelings towards the episode as long as I’ll be reviewing it.
So the beginning of the episode it’s already melting, heart-breaking! I can’t stop watching this scene, is so fucking amazing and adorable! They are absolutely addicted, but, the kissing in the middle o0f the drugs, Freddie grabbing Effy’s hair, the watter balloons, they giving pills one to each other, and , GOD!, the sex love scene in the stairs.. I fainted right here. Luke is absolutely gorgeous, and Kaya is stunning. This ‘I’m tripping’ music is so perfect; the all scene is fucking amazing! Best ever.. how could you not ship something like that?! The all scene is a win. They are a win. Oh, and please, notice those luscious fucking lips *.*
Hands up for Effy here. She is so .. FUCKING PRETTY! It reminds me of Effy in season1
- I really fuckin’ love you.
OF COURSE YOU DO! She is a bomb about to explode, the perfect mix of mysterious and wildness, with a pinch of sexiness. Freddie, Freddie, Freddiiie!Ps: *LUKE NAKED!!* yes, for what the fuck? Jesus, when is grabbing her, and those arms.. I want it around me too
- Morning beautiful.
Ok, besides the fact I loved Effy kissing Freddie’s arm, in the morning, I’ve instantaneously noticed something was wrong. He is so cute to her.. So this is Effy happy.. just love when she says that. They are tripped and she is gonna bank off classes again.
Just can smile watching this, watching how happy he is.. he deserves it!
Karen! How long… She looks pretty, more than what she used two. Eheh, I think that means she is trying to be a hairdresser xD
So, Freffy are living their life’s in a bubble, just the two of them.. no one else is allowed, and no else gets to see them anymore =P
Things between Freddie and his father are just like they were left the last season.. Ok.
Next. Freddie arriving to school, and Thomas is along with JJ, making him notice that he does not hang out with them anymore. Freds proclaim to been a bit busy, and that they don’t understand what love’s all about. Btw, why is JJ speaking in French, instead of Thomas? I think there’s some friendship growing up here, between these two. Nice :)
- What are you staring at?
OH PANDA! There’s been few panda over here by this times. I’m so glad she had shown up. And yet again, IMAO to her! You get it girl.Ok, so this counselor is CREPPY! Everyone is around Roundview.. it makes our main characters look normal, if that’s possible… and he does have a creepy fixation for Michael Jackson :O
So Freddie is letting school down, he does nothing, he may be expelled too, (like everyone apparently, so it won’t be a big shock).
And IMAO for Michael Jackson part!? Ahah.
Beat it Freddie, please, enough of crazy people!
- You found my porn stach!
This scene.. omg this scene! I know this episode is full of ‘this scene’, but, this one, just fucked me up, like a dog would fuck a bee: IT CRASHED ME!
Freddie is home, and Effy is mental. I freaked out about all those pics.. She is not making any sense but Freddie is trying to understand her. Their faces,l theyr expressions.. Effy’s laugh.. gosh.. As long as it’s going, Effy is getting disturbed, and when she talked about being easier to accept the end.. her end.. jesus, I just knew it! I just knew she was gonna do something like that! :(
- Mine, Freddie.
And if you look at Freddie’s face there.. he fucking scared! He also figured that something wasn’t right.. Oh Freddie, I love you.
How lovely?!? How touchable is this?!?? HOLY SHEET!*.*
No need words, we can see it all.. Freddie watching Effy sleeping, taking care of her, and touching her .. It’s love, can’t you see that? She everything to him.
Housemaid! This is perfect! Can please someone tell me where I can find this guy?
So is looking for Effy, he’s taking also care of the house, and he made her breakfast. No, I can’t stand people talking shit about him. Is unfair!
Oh, and notice, he’s trying to study meanwhile! And yet addicted. Drugs are always a gift in skins.. hum -.-‘
I really love Luke naked, I wish there was Luke naked every episode!
Ok, so this is perfect! This is one’s of Luke’s best scenes ever, don’t tell me that he can’t fucking act, cuz that’s not true! Just look at the tears on his eyes, his sadness. I want to cry too! This scene was awesome.
First, of course cereals don’t go with milk, it’s with vodka, hello! Everyone knows that, I mean, if you want to have a really good morning. Effy is worrying me so much..
- Better fuck off, then.
So lovely Freddie is on school again, trying to study, but he can’t take Effy out of his mind. At the beginning I didn’t understand why he was searching for psychotic depression and stuffs… But he gets really fucked up, cause all the symptoms match with Effy’s state of mind now, and he went to see Josie.
But instead of Josie, we’ve got Mr. T Love again. Oh, and Michael Jackson, please, don’t forget at that.
Imao, I gotta say I really appreciate this part here. Freddie is trying to open himself to get some help, but the unless was caught in a serious issue, that he never thought about. So, he tries to find some inspiration in Michael, but, no, no clue. Eheh
HOW FUCKING SWEET!’ there’s only been a bit, and Effy is already texting Freddie, asking him to come back.. She needs him, she loves him. I would do it too! *.*
But Freddie is down, and he don’t know what to do, so he went to see is fucking granddad!
This old man is amazing ahah. He realized in a second that something wasn’t right, and apparently, Freddie visits him often, cuz, he knew about Effy ;)
It’s lovely who all those people love to shag, and yet, how he tries hard to comfort him.
That’s when we finally get to know Freddie’s past, I mean, like the death his mother. I’ve had no clue that she suicide herself! Like, she was crazy! It was sad, finding out that Freddie is passing through it all again, just like is dad did, just like he saw and felt about his mother.. So he’s trying to do everything he can, cuz he cannot lose her. Not yet!
Here is some important part, here explains Freddie anger, and also the reason why he didn’t lent effy to her mother later in the episode: he thought the hospital made her mother worst, the lack of family and support that she lived without there, made her fall.. He thinks her father gave up on her, that it was his fault.
Granddad is lovely also. Don’t forget of that.
Ok, so this is brilliant! And I’m not talking about the party, what was actually great watching JJ talking to Andrea, and Panda slapping and kissing Thomas, or even KATIIIIE! Thank god Katie is there, she always rock those best lines *.*
- I’m not mingling with gothic’s!
She's officially going crazy. But he didn’t scared me that much as the 'broken', 'death', 'end', 'the way out' and 'suicide words in the room, along with the creepy pictures EVERYWHERE! Even Freddie got broke, when he crashed the door to find her.
Remember in Effy’s episode , season 2, she refuses to do the art project, because she fells like emotions are everywhere, you can feel them, but not show them, not express them? Since there you can see how she refuses to show her emotions, it’s not like she does not have them, she’s just not ready to let them out.. to allow herself to fell. She’s scared of feelings, so she represses them, and does not let anyone inside to take a piece of them. Not she is crashing, the bomb is ready to explode, and she had finally conceded her art.
I'm gonna take care of you now.
I can’t tell how much I loved it. I loved it all. The script, the montage, the idea.. Effy’s under the bed, and he lies down to talk to her.. He’s not like ‘wtf are you doing stupid bitch?!’, no! He’s sweet, he cares, and he tries to help her! <3
She was waiting for him, he didn’t come so she didn’t want be alone.. that’s why this ‘goodbye party’.
And the hands part.. WOW! I wanted to hug her so much here. She asks him to let them out. She said she does not know what she wants, or even who she is now, but the only thing she knows for sure is that he is the only person she can trust.. *.* MY.GOD.?! How can they not end up together, after all this??
So Freddie kick them all out, and is all over Effy.. calming her down, and stuff.
And Cook is there too! I guess he’s finally back to the prick he used to be, I mean, he surrendered himself, but had already escaped? Hum..
Effy gets all mental and asks Freddie to kick him out too. I really don’t think she got nervous just because she had feelings for him, or got even more confused, no. I think she got nervous because he was there. Just it.
Ps: ‘It's like that fucking chick from the ring’ AHAH! Imao to that!
Even Cook knows something wasn’t right.

Labels: 4x05 freddie , Eff , eff reviews , Gossip , Jack O´Connell , Kathryn Prescott , Kaya Scodelario , Skins , skins season 4