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There will be a new kind of Skins Trailer

Ok, so Jamie told us via twitter that maybe we would not have a trailer to watch in this upcoming season.

Ok, Jamie disse-nos via twitter que provavelmente não teríamos um trailer para a 4ª série de Skins.


Mas ao que parece as coisas não são bem assim.
Depois de muitos fans de Skins terem mostrado o seu descontentamento nas redes socias, e também no site oficial, a website editor, Layla, deixou-nos esta mensagem no site da E4:

"I know the plans for promoting series 4 and can assure you all that it's gonna be more about you lot and taking skins back to it's roots. There are going to be trailers, just done in a different way. In a good, different way, so chill out ok?"

"Eu conheço os planos de promoção da série 4 e posso assegurar-vos que vai haver rmuito mais sobre vocês, além de levar, também, Skins voltar ás suas origens. Vão haver trailers, mas feitos de forma diferente. De uma boa, mas diferente forma, por isso relaxem ok?"

Ora, e agora vamos todos pensar? Que raio quer isto dizer??? acho que ficámos todos ás aranhas! Basicamente uma coisa é certa.... VAMOS TER UM TRAILER! Mas de forma diferente da que estávamos habituados...
Outra coisa que também fica na cabeça é o facto de dizerem que vai haver muito mais de nós na promoção da série 4... Ok... já vi algumas pessoas que comentaram existir imensas câmaras na Skins House party que aconteceu  há uns dias... será que vão usar essas imagens para promover Skins?
Mas há mais!!! Skins retornar às origens? como assim? estarão a admitir que Skins levou um  caminho diferente na 3ª temporada, mas que estão a pensar colocar de novo Skins no seu estilo original?


But it seems that things are not like this.
After many Skins fans showed their disagreement with this issue in Social Networks, and also in the official website, the website editor, Layla, left us this message on the E4 site:

"I know the plans for promoting series 4 and can assure you all that it's gonna be more about you lot and taking skins back to it's roots. There are going to be trailers, just done in a different way. In a good, different way , so chill out ok? "

Well, and now we all think? What the hell does that mean??! Basically one thing is certain .... WE WILL  HAVE A TRAILER! But in a different way...a way that we never saw...

Another thing!She said that there will be much more of us in the promotion of series 4 ... Ok .. I've seen some people comments, saying that the saw plenty of cameras in Skins House party that happened a few days ... will they use those images to promote Skins?

But there's more! Skins return to it´s roots?but how? what´s the meaning of this?are they admitting that Skins took a different path in Season 3, and that now they are thinking to return skins to the original style?

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Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX