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Elsley: 'US Skins not like other teen shows' - Skins US

Brian Esley talked to the digital Spy last month about Skins Us being realistic and different of the other teen shows...

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"Skins creator Brian Elsley has promised that the upcoming MTV remake will be different to other US teen drama series.

He told TV Squad that the new Skins would be more "realistic" than shows such as Gossip Girl and 90210.

"The reason that the [original] show went well in the UK is that there was a gap in the market for a realistic teen show," he explained. "Looking around, it didn't seem like that gap in American television was being particularly filled by anything. We were responding to interest from the US market."

Elsley also confirmed that the series would avoid focusing on the lives of wealthy teenagers.

"I think that's just one of those things that happened by accident because we just tell the stories the young people who work with us want to tell," he claimed. "We've got nothing against telling stories about more prosperous kids, but that's just not the way the stories came out."

He continued: "The differences seem minor, but... are quite significant. All the kids in the show are played by actors who are the same age as their characters. That isn't that normal either in the US or the UK teen shows."

Elsley previously claimed that the US Skins would differentiate itself from the UK original."

Thanks to boggarthunter

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