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Skins Review 4x02 - Emily

Welcome to Skins Reviews, episode two!
So, Emily this time. More like Naomily, probably :)
Ok, don’t know even where to start.
This episode, was for sure, much better than the first, an about one thing I’m sure: either you love it, or you hate it. You don’t go on indifference to it.
Against the first episode, where you end like ‘oh, hum, ok, whatever, what’s the next one actually?’, in this one, or you get totally upset and mad to Naomi’s acts, or maybe you beg for them to end up together (possibly, you can also be happy, in case you’re not a Naomily fan). But guarantee, this episode spontaneously brings you feelings.
So, I find myself a tree times upset in this one.
Fist, like I’ve already said, I NEED MORE KATIE. How in the world is that possible (considering the 3 season), that in a EMILY episode, her twin sister, KATIE, would only appeared in TWO SCENES?? I don’t get. I love Katie, I miss her old hair, her old clothes, her presence and her attitude! Not that I’m saying she isn’t ok now, she keeps getting ones of the best lines, BUT, I miss her like she used to be.
Second, you all now I’m all Freffy, and I love them, I just loved their scenes in this epi, they were amazing, but, I need more Freffy than just two scenes :S
And third, I was so upset and furious with Naomi, and toward what the writers have done to her character and Naomily story. It does not make sense! Why they always make Naomi the bad guy? And yes, I do not used to be the biggest Naomily fan, but, don’t know how, I found myself looking for them to be together.
I have a lot of doubts, questions and in securities about this episode, and I don’t like the fact (don’t understand also) that Naomi won’t have an episode, so it must means that is going to be a lot of Naomily in the others episodes, to fix and explain it all up.

Well, we start with a very cute scene, a naked Kat :P walking in Naomi’s house, admiring her pictures, and smiling all around, until the postman arrives to deliver something.
Ahah, nice, he keeps starring her, and her tits (like probably everyone would be), and poor Ems, love that scene.
So they were sleeping together, and Naomi has is own house, wonder why.. Why she moved on to her own place? :S

Naomi bought this proper glasses to protect Emily, which is a lot cute, along with the ‘I love you’ thing, if we didn’t know about the cheating (yes, the second time I’ve watch the episode, I shouted ‘bitch’ to her. Yeah, I know, couldn’t avoid with.)
Don’t know why she cried in that scene, was it about Sophia? She was remembering what she has done? Hum..

Anyway, it’s a very emotional and adorable scene.

After this, they went on a scooter (I think it is), and everyone is starring at them, which is something that I love :P, and by the way, they sharing a cigarette sharing is sooo freakin hot! =P

They went to Ems house, where you can instantaneously see that something is wrong with Rob Fitch, and I actually had a feeling that it was something to do with unemployment (yeah, crises affects us all). Ah, I love Fitch Family! James, Rob, even her mom! :)

The Fitch hug was so cute!

Then Emily kind of discuss with her mom, when she tells her she wants to travel with Naomes next year instead of going to university, which is understandable. It’s lovely, actually, that when Ems kiss her mother, she unconsciously smiles, and kind of shows how much her mother loves her, and probably misses her, I mean she was the sweetie little daughter who was always there, and the good behavior one, who’s now running from her control.. I understand that!

Oooh, and Naomi’s irony is soo attractable! And by the way, she looks gorgeous now! I really fancy her. I’v e always fancied Ems more, but know, I don’t anymore who do I prefer.. They both look soo gorgeous!

Back to school, under everyone’s eyes, they kiss each other, a goodbye kiss :P

Really, when I saw this scene on the trailers, I’ve always wondered where would it fix, and I kind of liked it, didn’t disappointed me, although, I don’t understand. Wouldn’t they be on the same class for two years? I mean, why are they on separated classes now? Hum, weird :S

By the way, the cutted the kissing scene, it was a lot bigger in the trailer!

So, this actually made me think. She forgot for a second, so she wasn’t that worried about Sophia’s death, it means, that she wasn’t too sad, she didn’t loved her right? Anyway, I want to think that guilty was talking for her right now.

Doug approaches them, and tells that the police wants to talk to them about this girl’s death, and breaks up the moment. Lily’s hair is actually amazing! I love to see her right know. Emily’s is also pretty, although I miss her ties *.*

This police’s talking scene was much more interesting that the Thomas’s one, I mean, she grabbing her hand instantaneously, was soo cute! And I can’t stop admiring their beauty *.*

'Have you ever taked MDMA?

- Ah... That's illegal..'

IMAO. Well, I’m sure they already know that, that’s why they’re asking, ahah, nice way to get out of it Emily =P

So they lie to the police, Naomi fells right uncomfortable, and Emsy get’s it.

And by the way, this all thing of ‘we heard you were very close’ was fucking strange! I mean if someone would tell me that I was closer with someone I didn’t even knew, I would be freakin out?!

Taking the terms of the situation, Ems forces Naomi to tell her what’s going on, and then she leads her to the bathroom, and reveals that it was her how sold the MDMA to Sophia. And she finds out that Cook give her the drugs.

Obviously Emily asks why, and then Naomi is all cute, melting her heart saying she cared about her safety *.* The hair touch, the look in her eyes, the hand, everything, was sweet, and it actually makes me think that she means it, that she loves Emily, but, can’t erase in my mind what we already know…

Cook time! Wow, Emily is strong; she can push him against the lockers, ahah, nice. Cook is a jerk like is always, but, apparently he didn’t give their names, so, there’s something wrong going on here.

Actually, I kind of felt offended with this scene! Naomi tells Emily to mind her own fucking business, but, that’0s not right Naoms. Since the moment that her name is involved, it is, her own business. I mean, deep inside, Naomi knows that there’s so much more to do with her, but, Emily still being involved!

She decides to go to Sophia’s house, pretending to be Nancy, Sophia’s friend. Huum. Right there her mum starts to talk how secretly Sophia was, and how about Emily and Naomi, who were such big friends of her daughter, never showed up. Wtf?! Yeah, I got shocked, and so did Ems.

When she went to Sophia’s room, I suppose she quickly realized that, she was a stalker, a Naomi stalker. I mean, look at that! There’s Naomi’s drawings everywhere, a bunch of hearts, and more drawings.. Suspicious.

She fell attracted to some book about University and opens day, whatever it is.

Ok, the only stranger than her room, and Katie’s absolutely adorable looking face, it’s Matt, Sophia’s sister. Gosh, he scares me, really!

Yeah, so she is gay, they were very close, and his brother doesn’t believe that she killed herself because she didn’t say goodbye. Emily gives him the letter and keeps the book with some key with the army symbol.

Well, honestly, this is weird, a pic of Naomi and Sophia? Who take that picture? Too much coincidence, it does not make sense. Whatever.

Oh, poor Em! Don’t like to see her crying.. I’m not completely positive if she was crying in front of Sophia’s memories in school because of her, or because of her liar girlfriend. Anyway, she is suffering x(

Ok, that guy is SO gay, IMAO, JJ?? Really?? Ahah

-Shove it up your tits’

So Emily talk again with her mother, confronting her to get used to the fact that she is gay, but instead of listening her adorable daughter, she offers her some money, to forget her ‘gay thing’ and her travel with Naomi. Emily even lie to her mother, saying that things between Naoms and her are fine, just not to hear her grabbing about ‘I told you…’.

Anyways, Emily tell her mom to 'shove it up your tits ‘. Ah, if i ever told that to my mom, I'm sure i would be here right now.

Ahah, and who pays in the end of the story? The old lady! Poor woman.

Never knew either what was Jenna’s job… Interesting.

Ok, know, exciting, one of the best scenes for me, FREFFY TIME.

Effy’s back, taking a potato from Freddie’s lunch, how sexy is that girl?! Legend.

Well , no need to say that he is absolutely handsome and she is stunning. Wow, I just think they’re so good in this scene.. I love the chemistry, the looks, the way that Freddie tries to be upset and reprehensive to Effy, but with a single typical Effy mysterious and inoffensive smile she turns him down. Love the talking, the Chlamydia thing, and how cute she was when she said she was sure the girl liked him better.

Without more talk, she reveals that it was him, who she spent the summer thinking about, and leaves. AH! I’m feeling Effy from the first two seasons coming back… =P

When she goes hug Cook, Emily arrives and ask Freddie if he is not concerned about Effy fucking Cook again. Well, it’s not like he’s being rude to her, he simply realized that he doesn’t want to talk about it, obviously, and leaves too.

Emily’s alone, starring Naomi, who’s having fun with some friends.

Ok, first, since when does Nomi have friends?! And so quickly? I mean, isn’t like the first week back to college? Thought she was this unsocial human being, who didn’t need no one; and second, I didn’t like the way she didn’t give a damn to Emily, who was there alone… Yeah, I kind of felt jealous for Emily (that’s how you realize you’re starting to ship someone or some couple, you start having feelings for their things).

That was nice! I wish I had the balls to do what Emily did ;)

Naomi left the class, and went to talk to her.

Actually I love that scene, it’s so well done, so pretty! I love the angle, love the performance of both, and even the script is fine, although, Naomi is a bitch here. Said. Hum.

'Did you fuck her?

No! You think I'd shag some random girl behind your back? '

Yes, Naomi, yes. You met her once, and indeed you fucked her!

Don’t like either the part about Mexico. She tells Emily she went to an open day, she lied about it, and Emsy asks her why, if they are going to travel next year, cause, they decided, and Naoms its all ‘You decided it’! Actually seems like she doesn’t want to travel with Emily.. It’s not like that, I mean, you can say no if you really don’t want to! What is wrong with her?!

So they went to there, and discover that the key actually belong to a locker, full of Naomi’s things.. Creepy! I felt both love and hate for Emily, when she grabs Naoms hand, I mean, she felt sorry for her, probably thinking she was the victim who were been stalked by no reaso0n, and tried to comfort her, but really?! Arrg.

'She stalked me.
You're very stalkable.'

Ahah. Best line EVER. Actually she is, she is very stackable, but so is Emily, and those lovely eyes J

Two words. FUCKING. AMAZING. Lovely sex scene between these too.. It’s so adorable the way they just look to each other and start kissing.. They seem so happy, so in love.. it meakes wonder even more why Naomi did what she did. Why she ruined THIS?

The Fitch Family again! Lovely James, or may I say Britney. Oh, KATIE! Finally. I know, she looks stunning, but, gosh, what the hell of a boyfriend is that?! How can you pass from Freddie to something like that?! Hum.. Love the James ‘I want to fuck Naomi’ thing ahah! You rock.

I was kind of waiting for Rob to say he was unemployed, but, still, poor Rob :s

So they celebrate the new Jenna’s job, as Katie goes all happy and there’s no place for Naomi, which brings up a new discussion between Ems and Jenna, along with the money question, which obviously, Katie rocked again =P

So Emily is moving on, and the scene in the room is sooo sweet! The twins, so different now, but together, and Katie begging Emily, in their twins language, remember me how much they use to love each other, apart from Katie’s acts. I know how she actually wanted her to stay, she even said she would back her up <3>

Get the fuck out, babes?’ IMAAO! She is not fake, she is just ridiculously magnificent!

Adorable scene, actually.

And then, the creepy brother arrives. For sure you should have picked a better fake name, but searching her name, and her address? Hum..

So he said they could help each other, and Emily proclaims to agree that there’s something missing, but that’s nothing to do with her or Naomi.. not so sure about that baby J and at this point, I seriously doubt that if Emily is that positive about Naomi’s involvement in this girls’ life as she proclaims to be.

Obvious it is, Emily is moving to Naomi’s house. For a second, I think Emily suspected that she was talking to someone.. You know, jealous? Well, I thought that too…

She reacts quite well about Em’s moving in, but, yeah, it’s strange, maybe something that usually is decided from the two parts, but, like Emily said, they are special.

IMAO. Naomi is soo funny about the mustache thing, I thought she was serious! And so did I about the Mexican party, thought it was an everyone party, not only between this two! So I guess the trip to Mexico is still on…? :)

Oh, they kiss, they laugh, they set fire, they are happy together, so happy, once again! That really makes me sad.

And there’s some party going on, they went to.

Naomi drunk is sooo amusing J and Emily is always adorable!

And so is the OURS thing <3>

Worts party ever. For sure. Poor Thomas again, I starting to get sick about Thomas constantly unhappiness! But Panda dancing is ridiculously funny, ahah. JJ is like always, the most freaking cute guy. At this point, watching (yet again) Naomi all over her stupid friend, and considering JJ’s words, starts to think of what Naomi is capable of, in terms of her relationship, but, she decides to let it go, before she screws everything up. I don’t like to see her like that x(

Cook for the stupidity again! ;) love the fact that he calls her Emilio, LOL. So she is the guy from their relationship.

Cook does not waste a second to talk about his marvelous dick, IMAO, but as normal, Emily refuses the temptation. She’s so amazing *.*

Some secrets sharing between them, and Cook reveals his fragile side, and Emily touch’s Effy’s point. We get that he stills suffer for her.

I kind enjoy Cook/Emily friendship; they’re both trying to be ok with, and he’s really sweet to her here.

And then Freffy ruins it all. I actually fancied a lot seeing Effy dancing along with Freddie <3>

I could watch whole episode of Effy dancing …

Anyway, Effy took Freddie away to not get involved again in Cook’s mistakes, I don’t disagree on that, but.. Hum. Don’t know :S

IMAO, poor JJ, just trying to help, and get hurt, like always, isn’t it?

Back to home, Emily wake up and call Matt, and tell him she needs to show him something. At this point, we already know what’s coming, and so does Naomi, how listens carefully to her. I supposed she didn’t know about Matt’s existence, but, whatever?

Although, can’t avoid commenting, that they were sleeping, together, on their bed .. =P

It’s kind of beautiful, that they went to the disco club, to finish were it all started, and then Naomi appears, and ask them to let it go.

Of course Emily can’t let it go, mainly when she knows that they close to know the truth.

Don’t need to say anything more to believe that Naomi is hiding something bigger , just by the look of her eyes, we can see the fear.

Naomi follows Ems, in panic.

The roof scene is so.. intense! So beautifully done.. It actually makes you want to cry.. all the pain that Emily's feeling as she's reading the diary, and Naomi's face knowing what she's seeing. .. Altought that fact I was in shock, sad, and like ‘ I don’t believe this’, I just LOVE Lily’s performance there. I think she was really good here. And the way they just told the story, with the drawings and everything, was so creative and perfectly done! It’s was such an hard and emotional scene.. I don’t get it, don’t get why she cheated on Emily.. She was the perfect girlfriend, she is an amazing girl, and they had that thing, that sp+ecial thing.. And besides, Naomi proclaim to not be lesbian! She said she probably only liked boys apart from her, so wtf?! She didn’t need to do that! I can’t imagine Naomi from the third season doing that.. I just can’t.

She said she felt trapped. Trapped about what Naomi?! They were so fine, I thought they loved each other, that they were ok!

But for me, the worst part in this is how intimate it seemed to be, they were holding hands, they barely knew each other, Naomi was with Emily, and the sweet talking, Naomi leading Sophia, running, to her house, like she was recited to be with her, it wasn't just some unthinking act! Doesn’t it make things much more painful and difficult to accept? For me, it did. And again, the way they just showed the story, was so more emotive: S It made me tremble.

Emily crying.. I can’t see Emi8ly crying, it makes me so unhappy, because she is the cutest person ever! You just can hurt her. How is it possible on the world, to want to make Emily suffer? Specially Naomi, her girlfriend. She was the girl who fought for her love so hard?

Still, Naomi crying is beautiful, I actually felt her guilty as well…

Yes Emily, you were.. This scene is so touchable *.* I can’t stop watching over and over again, even hating it. I realized here how much they work out amazingly together!

This scene made everyone upset, probably most of you had broke something that were next to you, or cried to death. *.*

I just loved Rob Fitch here.. He was so cute, and so was Emily! I was watching her crying, saying that she hated Naomi and it broke my heart! I want to hug her so much; she is so gorgeous, and adorable!

I would fall for her in a second *.*

She may not be as strong as her mother, but, does it means she can’t forgive Naomi without hating herself? Rob saying that he cheated on her mother as well, made me feel a bit better, it gave me hope to believe that Naomi, besides everything, can really love her.

So she went to her home again, and there’s a note, saying ‘I will do anything’ and a heart between a Emily and Naomi drawing. Will you Naomi? Because that kiss with Cook doesn’t make me want to believe that.

Naomi is on the window, starring Emily, and she had been crying. Actually I think she deserves, think she deserves to suffer too. I want her to. I want it so much.

So in the last scene, Emily went inside, probably to talk with Naomi … But we don’t know what’s going to happen. We can suppose. Maybe they broke up, maybe she forgives her. What make me angry, is that there isn’t going to be a Naomi’s episode to fix it all, to understand her point.

Personally, I don't think Emily is going to forgive her right know (and she better not to, because this all Cook kiss thing pisses me of behind the normal! Don’t cheat on her again, just don’t cheat on her gain!). She leaves there know, even if she wanted to broke up with Naomi, she would have top back there, and maybe she had a few word to tell to Naomi.. We all know that they are going to end up happy, but I just can see how it that going to happen. Doesn’t make any sense.

So, in general, I just loved this episode. For me, one of the best from series four already, I’m sure! It was touchable, yeah, horrible also, but beautiful, and the performance by these two were amazing, not to mention how gorgeous they actually are.

First, besides the fact I just LOVE Lily Loveless, and find her extremely attractive, I’m not quite positive about Naomi.. I’ve always liked her, but she was never my favorite character. I always preferred Emily. Don’t know, although, I like her personality! She is independent, strong, she is .. don’t know actually, but she catches me in some way. Do not hate her, I’m just disappointed, but I felt like I loved her more in this episode, she, somehow, gained interest for me.. Emily still being my sweet Emily, I fell so sorry about her…

I’m actually unhappy that they went on the cheating issue on this couple two, I mean, why to ruin it like that?! After months of people asking so intensively to watch out and not to mess Naomily couple, how do the writes do something like that? How will Emsy trust Naomi ever again?

So I have a lot of thing coming up to my head right know: why cheating? Did she loved Sophia? Did it mean that much to her, how it meant to Sophia? Don’t think so, cuz, otherwise she would leave Emily, and she didn’t looked like she was to sad about that her death; how are they suppose to fix this? What does Naoms means about being trapped? Trapped to Emily? Or to fact she wants to be with her, but also go to university, and by the fact she loves her, and she is not used to it? Maybe she does not fell so ok and comfortable with assuming it, to everyone. I don’t know. Don’t know if I wanna know, actually.

But yeah, we must wait, to see what’s gonna happen. At least, one thing we are sure, Naomi is now, definitely lesbian.

Hope for all the Naomily fans, they are going to need it right know.

See you next time, Cookie monster coming.

4x03 – Cook.

‘Shit happens’

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