Some informations about BFI screening preview
Skins Fansite
For the ones that were thinking to buy just now the tickets for the BFI preview screening, bad news... the tickets are sold out... the event is fully booked.
But if you go to the official place of BFI, you can have details that we did´t know they are saying that the full cast will be present in the audience for the screening... so it´s not only in the red carpet!
You will be able to see the fist episode of season 4 with all the skins cast!
"We are pleased to announce that the director Neil Biswas and cast members Merveille Lukeba (Thomas) and Lily Loveless (Naomi) will join the writers for the discussion. The full cast will be present in the audience for the screening."
Good news for the people that didn´t booked the ticket. In the same site, they mention this:
"Sorry but this film is fully booked.
For screenings at BFI Southbank, we issue a limited number of standby tickets half an hour before each performance. Tickets may be limited to two per visitor."
So, maybe, this means that it´s still possible to get tickets for this great event.
If you´re interested, we recommend you first to contact the BFI to be sure that this tickets will be available.Thanks NancyB31
Labels: bfi , Gossip , Lily Loveless , Merv Lukeba , Notícias , preview , screening , Skins , skins season 4