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Skins the Novel - "Review" by Marie Davis - Week 3

Did you like the first and the second week of this novel? Here is the third week of our Skins´s summer!

One more time, thanks Marie Davis for your idea and help:)

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Skins - The Novel Review

Written by Marie Davis

August Week 3 

Monday 17 August, Effy – A gift Shop 

With it being Aldo’s birthday Effy is searching high and low for the perfect present for him and Katie is being dragged along with her. Going into an old second hand shop, Effy buys Aldo an old book which she knows he likes and the pair head back to the apartment as Aldo is meeting them soon. Anthea is making coffee’s and pastries when tells the girls she’s going to pay Florence as she has been unwell recently and just as she leave Aldo walks through the door. He tells the girls that it is his 40th Birthday, he is having his children to celebrate over to celebrate and would they like to accompany him to which Effy obviously says yes so Katie is going to. Anthea, returning soon after leaving with Florence being asleep declines but decides they shall have a party when they return. Effy, Katie and Aldo are soon outside his Ex wives house where a average looking woman with no makeup turns up at the door soon barged out of the way by two beautiful looking children, one boy one girl who throw themselves onto Aldo. The 5 are soon outside what sounds like a lazar gun – virtual war kind of place where the kids are enjoying themselves. Soon, much to Effy’s delight it is only her and Aldo left in the game and once again she makes the wrong move however Aldo doesn’t make a big deal and the silence is broken by his little girl shouting for him. Later that night, Effy Katie and Aldo arrive at the apartment where Anthea has made a big effort for the birthday boy. Tea lights, bottles of wine and cake the party gets going but as soon as possible Effy finds a moment to give Aldo his present and he absolutely loves it. Alone again things get tense however they are soon interrupted by Anthea giving them some unexpected news. Florence wasn’t waking up.

Cook – Freddy’s shed 

Back in Bristol, Cook Freddy and JJ are in the shed chilling out as usual. With Cook ahead in the game he takes the chance to rub it in but Freddy takes this the wrong way and the friction between the pair is rife. As always JJ lightens the mood but Cook has something in mind to finish the game once and for all. Putting forward the suggestion of having a threesome, Freddy hold back to accept the offer and the chance to win the game however with jibes from cook he soon says yes and they decide to meet at 7oclock that night.

Freddy – Outside Polly’s house

The boys head to Polly’s and are standing outside her house when Freddy starts to feel uneasy about the whole arrangement, however cook knocks on the door and within 30 seconds they are all sat inside Polly’s house. Bringing them cocktails Freddy, Cook and Polly are chatting whilst JJ watches the television looking quite out of his depth. Cutting the small talk, Freddy and Cook are soon in Polly’s bedroom and the supposed fun begins, Cook takes his turn first however is cut short when Polly decides its Freddy’s turn. As Freddy tries to enjoy himself, Polly has an idea of her own and asks Freddy and Cook if they would have sex with each other. The boys obviously decline and Cook starts to rant about how this wasn’t the plan however Polly tells Cook a few home truths about how the game is childish and she kicks the boys out. With Cook’s pride hurt and Freddy feeling embarrassed they grab JJ and leave.

JJ – Two Minutes Later 

Standing outside JJ, Cook and Freddy begin to walk away from the house when all of a sudden JJ hears a thud and turns to see Freddy standing over Cook and blood pouring from Cook’s nose. Telling Cook that he has embarrassed them all and for the last time Freddy walks away however it isn’t long before Cook is on his feet and giving as good as he gets. With Effy coming into their argument Freddy and Cook are on the floor with fists flying everywhere, suddenly JJ begins to shake and has becomes Locked on screaming and shouting for his friends to stop fighting. Realising that he is being held, JJ stops to find Cook and Freddy cuddling him and reassuring him. Telling JJ that their best mates for life and everything is fine, Cook turns to Freddy however Freddy doesn’t show the same reaction but they stay together just hugging JJ.

Tuesday 18 August, Effy – Late afternoon Venice 

Hanging around the apartment waiting for Aldo to pop by, Effy and Katie are sitting drinking and talking. Seeing her neediness, Katie tells Effy that she’s realised how much she wants Aldo but Effy being Effy tells her otherwise. Describing how she used to see Effy giving her awful looks when she was with Freddy and how those looks matched to what she saw when Aldo was with his children Katie tells Effy how it is. Playing it cool Effy takes a drink, just as she does this she feels her phone vibrate. Taking it from her bag she reads the message, dropping the phone in shock the tears well up in her eyes. Katie takes the phone and reads the message from Freddy which tells Effy ‘Not to bother coming back’ and Katie suggests that they go and see Florence since she might be out of hospital to take her mind off things. On the other hand, taking into account what Katie told her about herself Effy realises that she hasn’t change but only brought her Problems from home with her in a different form and with that she has other plans and the pair of them go out and get drunk. Leaning against the bar, intoxicated, Effy attracts the attention of the locals however Katie just stands back and watches her. Soon after, Effy drags Katie into the toilets and is sick, Katie trying to be a good friend cleans her up however Effy decides that it’s time to tell Katie a few of home truths of her own. Telling her that she’s ugly and always trying to impress and that she is the exact opposite, Effy is left alone in the club as Katie doesn’t take her insults walks back to the apartment deciding to leave first thing in the morning.

Katie – Venice at night 

After leaving Effy in the club, Katie wanders around Venice trying to find her way back to the apartment. Crossing many bridges she stops on one to see a couple in a gondola and thinks back to the night of Aldo’s birthday party. Thinking about how spending so much time with Effy was a real eye opener and how happy Effy actually looked when she was spending time with Aldo she realises that she’s besotted by him and how empty she is without this feeling. Katie also thinks about how she misses her own dysfunctional family and takes her phone out of her bag to tell her mother she’ll be home in the morning.

Wednesday 19 August, Katie – Bordeaux 

Arriving back at the train station, Katie is greeted by her mother and they get in the car back to the chalet. Katie’s mother tells her that Emily has gone back to Bristol because she was pining over Naomi and that she was hoping that her and Josh were going to hit it off thinking of Emily only going through a phase. However Katie tells her mum that Emily is in love and nothing is going to change that, her mum in shock by her sudden change of opinion Katie tells her she has changed. Back at the chalet, Katie rings Emily and the twins sort out the problems from the week’s events and share gossip, becoming friends again. Katie also tells Emily, feeling lonely, tells her that she wants what she and Naomi have and that she never wants to lose her twin. With the drama behind them, for once Katie feels lucky to be who she is!

Emily – Home again 

Back in Bristol, Naomi arrives at the Fitch house however before she can even knock on the door, Emily is standing in front of her and the pair just take a second to look and realise how much they’ve missed each other. Pulling her girlfriend into the house the pair waste no time in catching up on what they’ve missed out on over the last few weeks and make full use of the house and its content. On the table, in the kitchen, on the settee by the time they reach the twins room the pair can do nothing but hold each other. Deciding to spend the next summer together, the girls fall asleep in each other’s arms and nothing else matters because Emily has sorted things out with her girl.

Thursday 20 August, Pandora – Pandora’s Bedroom 

After a rather crazy night with Thomas on Brandon Hill, Smoking weed drinking and eating doughnuts, Pandora wakes up to her mother tickling her feet. Questioning the time she arrived home the previous night because Effy is away with her Mother, Pandora feels it’s time to tell her mum about Thomas. She explains that Thomas isn’t like other boys and her mother suggests that Thomas should come for tea. Ringing Thomas with such excitement he arrives at the door, dressed in a suit and tie and the evening gets going. Watching television in the living room with lemonade (with added vodka) Pandora can’t wait for her mother to go to bed so she can finally have sex with Thomas. After a lovely meal Pandora’s mother insists it’s time for Thomas to go home but filed with alcohol Pandora stands up to her mother and asks since it is late could Thomas stay the night. Knowing the answer already deep down her mum says no and Thomas is ready to leave but Pandora won’t give up that easy and starts to shout at her mother. Feeling embarrassed Thomas leaves without saying goodbye and Pandora and her Mother were officially at loggerheads. Pandora tells her mother that she has already had sex and that she’s nearly a grown up and should be able to do what she wants however her plan takes a wrong turn and her mother tells her if she’s that grown up then perhaps she should go and live somewhere else, tough love is in the process and with that Panda packs a bag and heads off to Aunt Lizzie’s.

Naomi – Emily’s Bedroom

After their romantic reunion, Naomi and Emily are lying in Emily’s bedroom. Thinking back to yesterday and how happy she was to finally have her girlfriend back with her Naomi goes to make herself a glass of water. Getting up she looks out the window at the perfect Cul-di-sac where the Fitch’s lived and the room that Emily and Katie shared. How could she stand it, the thongs lying everywhere, pictures of David Beckham on the walls and the old my little ponies! Naomi thinks of her own room at home and her own individual space she has where she’s alone when she wants. Venturing downstairs Naomi decides to make a cup of tea for her and Emily, waiting for the kettle to boil she thinks about the future, was she scared of moving forward or staying in the now?

Friday 21 August, Pandora – Aunt Lizzie’s House Bristol 

Sitting having tea with Aunt Lizzie, Pandora begins to explain what happened with her and her mother the night before and why they have fallen out. Explaining about her mother still thinking of her as a little child, wanting more respect from her mother, wanting to have sex with Thomas and boundaries Pandora listens to her Aunt as she tells her that her mother also needs respect and that it’s going to be hard for her to let go. Not hearing what she expected Pandora goes for a walk to her favourite seat in the back garden and decides to give Thomas a ring. Whilst on the phone the couple decide to meet up to talk about things but Pandora still has the wrong frame of mind and thinks Thomas won’t be able to resist her.

Thomas – En route to Aunt Lizzie’s, Later 

On his way to Aunt Lizzie’s, Thomas takes time to think about what he is going to say to Pandora and also runs his mind over the events which involved Cook. The thought of Cook having sex with Pandora before him and the pure and innocent girl that she was before all of this brings back the feeling of hatred for Cook. In Congo Pandora would have been valued greatly but now Thomas feels that she has changed and her view of their relationship is based on sex. Arriving at Aunt Lizzie’s just after 6, he tells Pandora to sit down and the couple begin to talk. Just as he thought, the conversation once again turned to sex and with this Thomas leaves Aunt Lizzie’s and Pandora behind him.

Pandora – in bed, later still 

Lying in bed that night Pandora takes into consideration all of the events from the past day and is undecided, should she phone Thomas? Would he still have her back? After an hour of wondering she finally picks up her phone and decides to ring him. Explaining to him that she has been the childish one and that she hasn’t shown her mother or Thomas any respect, Pandora decides to go home and apologize to her mother once and for all. Tough love had gone on long enough! Telling Thomas her plan he tells her to wait there. After half an hour there is a knock on the door, thinking it is Aunt Lizzie Pandora tries to stop her coming in but to her surprise Thomas walks in and he gets into bed with her. Taking their clothes off and Kissing each other Pandora’s wish has finally came true.

Saturday 22 August, Effy – Florence’s Apartment 

Now that Katie had gone back to France, Effy is once again left alone decides to go and visit Florence. After walking in to the apartment she feels taken back by the appearance of Florence after her minor stroke but Florence as always lightens the mood and she and Effy begin to chat. Quizzing her about Aldo and her mother, Effy soon feels relaxed and humbled by the old ladies clear words of wisdom. With Florence getting tired, Effy goes back to their apartment to find her mother slaving over the stove and the table set for three. Knowing that Aldo was clearly accompanying them for dinner, Effy starts to run over the thoughts in her mind that have caught her out so many times. Aldo soon arrives and they sit down to eat and drink once again. Among the wine flowing and the table conversation Effy soon feels a bit worse for wear and takes this to her own advantage as she asks Aldo if he will take her to the toilet. Being the gentleman that he is he takes her to the ladies however once again the alcohol takes hold of Effy and she invited Aldo into the toilet with her and various other gestures. All so familiarly Aldo restrains and bids her goodnight with another failed attempt under her belt Effy goes to bed.

Sunday 23 August, Effy – via San Angelo, morning 

After another attempt to try and make Aldo hers, Effy is lying awake in bed the morning after. Suddenly she hears the voice that makes her smile however not outside or even in her head but coming from the bedroom next door, her mother’s bedroom. Aldo and her Mother were having sex and he didn’t want her, neither and neither did Freddy anymore. Trying to block out the noise, she falls back to sleep but is woken by the sound of her mother sweeping up. Anthea goes into Effy’s room and sits down on the bed beside and breaks some very bad news, Florence had died in her sleep that night. Staring at her mother they say nothing and Anthea realises that Effy knows some other bad news and leaves her to it. Waking up again the apartment is empty and Effy gets dressed to go out, just as she’s about to leave Aldo walks through the door. Hoping that they could have had lunch together, Effy declines and runs off the church. Wailing and Sobbing Effy sits in the church thinking about her mother and Aldo, how much of a bitch she was to Katie, Freddy and how she will never be able to talk to Florence again. Sadness turning into anger Effy runs back to the apartment where her mother and Aldo are having dinner. With fury and rage she swipes the table clean with glass and plates crashing all around them. Lying on the floor cut by the glass, Effy realises there is nothing left for her and that she’d rather be dead than be here.

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Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX