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Skins the Novel - "Review" by Marie Davis - Week 2

Here you go... the second part of Marie Davis´s review! As i said in the latest review, this works out like a resume of the novel of Skins, and Marie will do this resume in 4 parts.
To read the first one, just click here...
We remind you that there´s a contest running to win one Skins the Novel... (more informations here).
We hope that these lovelies reviews makes you buy the book :)


Skins – The Novel Review

Marie Davis

August Week 2 

Monday 10 August, Naomi – The Caves Bristol 

Back in Bristol Naomi, Cook, Freddy and JJ are in what i can only imagine as another club. Cook is hard at the ‘Game’ and JJ is sitting merely observing when Naomi feels the need to talk to JJ about what happened with him and Emily. Talking about the one time only charity event, Naomi explains to Jay that she is totally fine with what happened and that it was in the past. With Naomi and JJ friends again, Freddy joins them at the seats. Touching on what is a sore subject, Naomi talks about Katie and Effy and what happened at the camping trip. Freddy feels the need to protect Effy and him and Naomi only disagree with what each other say. With that she leaves the club with only one thing on her mind, Emily.

Tuesday 11 August, Emily – In Bed Late 

With Emily not exactually up to much this holiday she is already tucked up in bed when Katie arrives home from another night of mindless activities. Thinking about what her and Josh spoke about at the beach the previous day, she strikes up a conversation with her Sister. Things are still quite sour between the twins and the starting of the conversation isn’t a pleasant one. With every question Emily asks, Katie snaps back until Emily finally gets to the bottom of why Katie acts the way that she does. As a result Emily and Katie snuggle up together and decide that they’re going to go to Paris the next day together and finally get their relationship back on track! For now...

Wednesday 12 August, Katie – Bordeaux 

With the twins back on speaking terms they get ready for their trip to Paris, Emily as always is prepared and ready to go while Katie is taking everything apart from the kitchen sink with her! Just before leaving Katie sees that Emily has left her phone on the bed her having an ongoing problem with Naomi, takes the phone and puts it in her bag. At the train station, they are having something to eat when Emily suddenly realises that she has left her phone and asks to borrow Katie’s phone to get in touch with her girl. However she can’t get in touch with Naomi and Katie feels as smug as always that she’s once again in the way of her twin and her girlfriend.

Naomi – Bristol 

With Katie’s scheming plan in action, Naomi tried desperately to get in touch with Emily and obviously has no luck. Getting more and more annoyed and frustrated as Emily doesn’t answer, Naomi goes downstairs to find Kieran at the kitchen table marking some work from the collage. They soon begin to talk about the subject of what Naomi is going to do with her life as the last year of collage looms. Being passionate about politics and general studies Kieran tells Naomi that if she doesn’t apply to university she’s stupid because she has such potential and with that he hands an application to Yale University America to her. Taking this back to her room, Naomi is left feeling confused about what to do , take hold of her future or leave the thing that has made her so happy behind?

Katie – Hotel evening 

The twins have finally arrived at the hotel and are getting ready to go out for a night in Paris. Drinking wine and having a laugh, the girls arrive at the club and begin the night. Emily has no problem dancing and enjoying herself without a care in the world however with the men and the scenery being so different Katie feels out of place and alone. Emily tries to bring Katie around however feeling as she does she bursts into tears which sparks another argument. Emily tells Katie that it’s not just her that feels out of place and the pair begin to argue from the bar back to the hotel room. Katie tells her sister that she will never leave her but Emily doesn’t respond knowing that she is just doing it to get in the way of her and Naomi. Feeling alone once again Katie goes to the bathroom and takes a long look at herself, doing what she does and being who she is doesn’t make her happy. There is nothing left for her

Thursday 13 August, Emily – Paris Hotel Morning 

Waking up after the argument from the night before, Emily thinks Katie is in the bathroom. Banging on the door thinking Katie is in the Bathroom it suddenly opens and Katie is no were to be seen. Searching everything and everywhere she can think of Emily begins to think of all the possible things that might have happened to her. Stopping at Bars and Cafe’s Emily bumps into a girl called Anna who helps her to look for Katie and the pair get talking about different things. Anna is also gay and she shows Emily the gay bars around Paris and Anna asks Emily to go for a drink later that night. Getting back to the Hotel room Emily feels a shadow of guilt come over her after thinking about what she said to her twin the previous night and now she had gone and Emily has no idea where. Angry at her twin but upset Emily realises that Katie took her phone to try and get between her and Naomi and with that she rings her parents to see if Katie has been in touch. Emily talks to her parents and they try to think about where she might have gone and within a few hours they call her back to say that Katie has been in touch. Katie has decided to go to Venice to see Effy and hearing this information and Naomi not returning her calls she decides to go for a drink with Anna.
Arriving at the designated Bar, Emily greets Anna and she takes Emily over to meet her friends and they begin to party. Taking cocaine and drinking a cocktail of drinks things start to hot up and Anna takes Emily into the back of the bar where is scenery is a lot different from where they just were. Girls Kissing and engaging in a lot of other activities Emily is left watching Anna and another girl having sex. Anna asks Emily if she would like to join in but with her mind on Naomi and no one else she declines and leaves the bar to go back to the hotel.

Friday 14 August, Emily – Back at the chalet 

Leaving the Hotel, Emily tries to forget the previous night and all its antics and the constant reminder of Naomi and how angry she was going to be rattling around in her head. Arriving back at the Fitch chalet, she darts to the bedroom to put her phone on charge and as the phone starts to charge she has 10 missed calls. The feeling of relief and dread sweep through her with that she calls Naomi back. Emily explains what happened with her phone and how Katie had disappeared and decided to go off to Venice to see Effy however Naomi being as stubborn as she is just cuts her off and they decide to talk about things later. The feeling of hurt and guilt spreads across Emily once again.

Naomi – Uncle Keith’s 

After the cold conversation with Emily, Naomi goes to the pub to see Cook and the famous Uncle Keith to try and cheer herself up. Sitting with Cook, Naomi begins to question why he looks so down and what he’s going to do with his life. Cook being Cook tells it how it is and has no plan of action for leaving collage so in return he asks Naomi why she looks so depressed. She explains about how she loves Emily but needs to do what is best for her future and with words and kindness and wisdom Cook tells Naomi that she’s going places and everyone knows it. Naomi is left feeling bad about how she treated Emily on the phone and had she been the one to mess it all up?

Effy – San Lucia Train Station Venice 

With Katie deciding to join Effy in Venice, Effy waits at the train station for her to arrive. Wandering through the crowd like a D list wag with her lyrca dress and shiny red wedges Katie spots Effy standing by the ticket machine and the pair fight through the crowds to the outside. Stopping for a bottle of wine, Effy notices an instant change in Katie attitude and appearance and she asks why she’s here considering she’s supposed to hate her guts. Katie explains what happened in France with Emily and why she had to get away so the pair head off for back to the apartment. With no surprise to Effy she walks in to find her mother and Aldo drunk and still drinking more, not having seen Aldo since what happened in Lido she holds back however Katie is straight away joining in with the fun and talking to Aldo and she beings to wonder what she has let herself in for.

Saturday 15 August, Katie – Effy’s place Venice 

After the first in Venice Katie wakes up to the noise of Effy and her mother arguing about the previous night. Katie stands by the door listening until Effy walks into the hall and the pair bump into each other. Covering up the fact she was listening, Katie asks if it’s ok to have a shower and with that she goes to the bathroom however she finds herself wondering why she even came to Venice. Thinking back to the night she left Emily in Paris and how she wondered aimlessly around towns, how she got in touch with Effy and about the last time she was actually happy Katie is left feeling disappointed.

JJ – JJ’s Bedroom 

With the Game still going steady, JJ and Cook are sitting in JJ’s bedroom and as he is the score keeper Cook shows him the evidence for another point on his side of the scoreboard. However the game is starting to get to JJ and he’s sick of having to listen to the fact that Freddy and Cook are having frequent sex and he on the other hand is not. With that Cook takes it upon himself to help JJ and find him a girl that will have sex with him without the charitable cause. Later that night JJ finds himself walking to the club to meet Freddy, Cook and the blind date however he starts to freak out and can’t do it. Cook and Freddy try to calm JJ down but he hears the girl calling him a special needs kid and he runs home. After having a wrestles night JJ wakes up on the floor fully dressed not being able to sleep so he goes for a walk. Whist walking he comes across Thomas who is waiting for the bus to work and JJ decides to go with him. Telling Thomas about the Game and how he isn’t having sex at all, Thomas explains to JJ that he does not need to have these relations and that in actual fact he and Pandora are not having sex either however much she wants to. He also tells JJ that he is a good person and his time will come which leaves him feeling content, for now.

Katie – Effy’s Place Later 

Katie and Effy are sitting in the apartment when Effy’s mother Anthea asks them what they are doing today, the conversation soon turns to Aldo and Effy and her mother begin to argue again. With Anthea out of the way, Katie Effy and Aldo go out to the Balcony for a smoke when they begin to talk more about Aldo and his life, he beings to tell them about his days at university and the person he did once love. Aldo then goes on to explain more and the girl he did love and how she killed herself with that Katie feels a bit freaked out and leaves Effy and Aldo to it. Noticing that she is somewhat the spare part in this equation she goes to bed thinking about a lot of different things.

Week 3 soon  :)

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Hey guys, we´re so glad that you are here sharing your love for Skins. SkinsFansite is a project of Ana and João and we are very thankful for all of your support and love so far. SkinsFansite started in 2009 and is our wish to keep going for much more years. Our favourite generation is the first one and our favourite charaters are Cassie (Ana) and Chris (João). Keep visiting us and feel free to ask anything you want to our email contact@skinsfansite.com or to our Twitter username SkinsFansite. XXX