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Christmas Fic #1

On The First Day Of Christmas...

Title: Found It

Author: Miss Peg

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Owner of Skins? Nope, not me.

Prompt: Finding a Christmas Tree

Summary: Finding a Christmas tree isn't always difficult.

Note: I've been writing some Christmas themed one-shots for a challenge on my message board, based on the 12 Pains of Christmas. Each chapter will have another 'day' in it, they don't really connect together.

“Are you okay being here?” Naomi asked, staring around at the small room, in which a bag full of Emily’s belongings lay scattered around.

Emily shrugged. “What other choice do I have?”

“I know mum wouldn‘t mind if you stayed with us.”

“I can‘t do that to my parents Naomi,” Emily told her. “I can‘t leave home just to live with you.”

Naomi was getting frustrated. She didn‘t want to get mad, but Rob and Jenna Fitch infuriated her. They weren’t doing anything wrong, being together. She just wished Emily’s parents could see it that way.

“They‘re the ones who made it clear that you forget about me, what‘s wrong with staying somewhere nicer than…this?”

“It‘s college accommodation, it‘s hardly a derelict building somewhere,” Emily muttered,

“Still, it‘s a room and not much else,” Naomi sighed, sitting down on the bed. “How can you enjoy Christmas living here?”

Emily sat down beside her and rested her head on her shoulder. “Cook is upstairs, he doesn‘t have anywhere to be either. I‘ll be fine.”

The door banged open, making both girls jump. They turned to the open gap, frowning when all they could see was green leaves. Naomi stood up, pulling Emily with her. After a line of swearing and grunting, Cook’s face appeared as he dropped the bottom of the tree into a pot.

“Is that going to stand up?” Naomi asked, feeling a smirk slide across her face.

“It fucking will,” Cook groaned, rearranging the dirt in the pot and patting it down.

Emily’s hand hung down beside her body, reaching out for Naomi’s, which she interlinked with her own. She gave her a small smile whilst they waited. Eventually Cook took a step back, forced the girls to break apart as he stood between them, a dirty hand on each of their shoulders.

“What do you think?”

“Why doesn‘t it have a stand?” Emily questioned.

“Yeah Cook,” Naomi paused. “Where did you get the tree from?”

Cook shrugged. “Found it.”

“Found it?” Naomi asked, sceptically. “Found it where exactly?”

“Garden up the road.”

The two girls let out a laugh, couldn’t help but giggle at how the tree had come to be in the room. Naomi bit her lip, shaking her head at Cook.

“What you laughing for?” Cook snapped, sitting down on the bed behind them. “I don‘t even fucking do Christmas, except hang a piece of tinsel from me balls for whichever lucky lady gets in my pants on Christmas eve. You two need to be more fucking grateful.”

“It‘s lovely Cook, thanks,” Emily smiled, kissing his cheek as she sent an elbow gently into Naomi’s side.

“Oh yeah, really festive,” Naomi chuckled, raising her eyebrows.

The End

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